Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Are You Smarter Than Curt Flug?

Are You Smarter than Curt Flug?
Editorial, Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel

50,000 people reside in Chisago County. And, yes, we are smarter than any politician. The collective brain power of the electorate far surpasses any five people we may elect to the County Board or City Council.

Democracy and self determination have taken a “hit” in Chisago County in recent years. Don Taylor, the former champion of the Wyoming Township anti-annexation crusade became mayor of Chisago City and immediately embarked on the forced annexation of the remainder of Wyoming Township.

Wyoming Township is not a third world country that needs to be led into this century. Nor should their fate be dictated by “Land Grabbing” Don Taylor and the Courts.

Prior to the bold American experiment with Democracy, mankind had been ruled by Kings, Queens and nobility since the dawn of intelligence.

Claiming Divine Providence, the inbred rulers of Europe waged war upon each other for centuries. With the discovery of America, the best and the brightest left their homeland to establish roots in the new country.

A country where the cream was allowed to rise to the top. A country where a person could achieve great things despite a low birth.

Perhaps, that is why Daniel Lindstrom left Sweden and founded this town which bears his name.

I can imagine Arvid Victor (Keith Carlson’s Grandfather) standing next to Daniel Lindstrom, turning the first shovel of dirt in founding the City of Lindstrom. I can also imagine Arvid Victor rolling over in his grave as his Grandson drives the final nail into its coffin.

Our founding fathers, whether they be Washington or Jefferson, Arvid Victor or Daniel Lindstrom knew the value and profited from the right of self determination.

A right forcibly removed from the business owners and people of Lindstrom by Curt Flug and Keith Carlson.

Forcing the cream to the bottom is an unnatural act which defies American democracy.

We need the best and the brightest, our local entrepreneurs, to succeed, to create jobs, to spur our local economy and to grow our community.

We need representatives of the people, not autocratic rule.

Curt Flug had the opportunity to represent the people and businesses of Lindstrom.

Instead he chose to rule.

Curt Flug chose poorly.

By defying the awesome political power of Lindstrom business while seeking higher office, Curt became his own worst enemy and may have ended his own political career.

Men About Town

Curt Flug, Keith Carlson
Men About Town
Story by Uncle Lars Bob

Curt Flug called Keith Carlson into his office one day and said, "Keith, I have a great idea! I know how we can win back the hearts and minds of Lindstrom, secure my victory over Gustafson this fall and you can get your County bonding business back."
“Here’s what we do, we'll go down to the Wal-Mart, get some cheezy clothes and shoes like most Lindstomites wear, and then we'll stop at the pound and pick up a Labrador. When we look the part, we'll go to the Swedish Inn and show them that we really enjoy the town, and show admiration and respect for the hard working people living there."

A few days later, all decked out and with the requisite Labrador at heel, they set off for the Swedish Inn. With the dog in tow, they walk into the restaurant. When they stepped up to the counter, Mike takes a step back and says, "Aren't you Curt Flug and Keith Carlson?"

"Yes we are," says Curt, "and what a lovely restaurant you have here. We were just passing through and Keith suggested we stop and take in some local color."

They then order a couple of beers and proceed to drink them down, all the while, chatting up a storm with anyone who would listen.

All of a sudden... the restaurant door opens and a grizzled old farmer comes in. He walks up to the Labrador, lifts its tail, and looks underneath, shrugs his shoulders and walks out the door.

A few moments later, in comes another old farmer... walks up to the dog, lifts its tail, looks underneath, scratches his head and then leaves the bar.

Over the course of the next hour or so, another four or five farmers came in, lifted the dog's tail, and went away looking puzzled.

Eventually Curt and Keith could stand it no longer and called the proprietor over.

"Tell me", says Curt, "why did all those old farmers come in and look under the dog's tail like that? Is it some sort of quaint old Lindstrom custom?"

"Good Lord no", says Mike, "Its just that someone had told them there was a Labrador in this restaurant with two assholes!"

Publishers Note: Another piece of MnDot came crashing down over the week end, a year after the fatal I 35 Mississippi Bridge collapse. Fortunately no one was killed this time. Perhaps MnDot should maintain and repair our crumbling infrastructure rather than spending eleven million of your tax dollars so fix something that ain’t broke.

Don’t Mess With Lindstrom!

You Can Do Something About “It”
Vote Glassel for Commissioner

Lindstrom Businesses

Lindstrom Businesses Continue
Fight with City Hall, Support
Glassel For Commissioner
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel

A tornado ripping down Highway 8 from the Dinner Bell to the Dairy Queen would have caused less devastation to Lindstrom businesses than the unanimous decision by Mayor Keith Carlson, and the City Council to pave over the hopes and dreams of the remaining entrepreneurs in a dying town.

Death by design. The first step of transforming our unique community into the preplanned mediocrity of a modern city, our leaders seek to kill the old Lindstrom to make room for the new.

Flug and Company, over the objections of nearly every business owner in town, have cleared the way for an Eleven Million Dollar Boondoggle in the name of Highway 8 improvement. Progress for the sake of progress. Progress that may well transform “America’s Little Sweden” into Woodbury.

While Keith Carlson and Curt Flug have knocked business owners down, they are not out.

Don’t change your address labels to Woodstrom or Lindbury just yet.

In dealing with City Hall, Lindstrom’s entrepreneurs have learned the only way to fight City Hall, is to become City Hall.

Three years will pass before construction begins. Two Council seats are up for grabs this fall, Curt Flug could be recalled and the Mayor could be removed in 2009.

Overturning a previous Council’s decision is not without precedent in local politics. In 2005, County Commissioners Gustafson, Robinson and Schultz overturned a 2004 decision by Commissioners Montzka, Olseen and Walker designed to end county involvement at the landfill in Mora.

Had Lindstrom been ravaged by a natural disaster, aid to rebuild would have come from all over the country. The President and the Governor would have flown over in helicopters, local politicians would have been interviewed by Fox and you would know of the disaster. But when the disaster is caused by the personal self interests of elected officials, Lindstrom business owners must fend for themselves and elect competent leaders to correct an injustice perpetrated against them and the citizens of Lindstrom by Flug and Carlson.

Vote Glassel for County Commissioner

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

District One Commissioner's Race

Tough Times Bring Talented Trio
To Commissioner’s Race

Korby, Larson, Walker Seek to
Represent District One at Commissioners Court
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel

It is an ill wind that blows no good, there is a silver lining behind every cloud. Politics, as nature abhors a vacuum and great leaders will arise when there is a great need.

Chisago County is in great need of new and progressive leadership. Leaders with the dedication, energy, enthusiasm and vision to address the challenges facing us today. Leaders with the intellect to build a better county for our children and our children’s children. Leaders willing to expend the time and effort to solve our problems, rather than throw taxpayer money at our problems.

Korby, Larson and Walker are a breath of fresh air to local politics.

Dedicated, intelligent and hardworking , each Candidate brings their own unique vision of Chisago County to the electorate, united by the common goal of building a better county through solid lead leadership.

It is the tough times, the pain felt by many of Chisago County’s citizens that prompted Korby, Larson and Walker to devote their time, treasure and talent to the people of Chisago County.

We need all three of these candidates in service to the county.

Unfortunately, we can choose only one.

You can do something about it, vote for solid leadership, rather than politics as usual!