Friday, August 22, 2008

Traffic Counter Installed on 260th Street

Walker, Glassel
Make a Difference for South County!

As if by magic, a traffic counter appeared at the intersection of 260th and Olinda Trail, leaving many Franconia residents to wonder, what the “Bleeeep” is going on?

Jonathan Glassel is running for County Commissioner in District Three.
Franconia Township is in District One which is currently represented by Lynn Schultz. Schultz is facing a tough reelection campaign, opposed by the ever popular Lora Walker.

On Monday, August 18, 2008 Glassel made the following statement at a debate forum of District Three Commissioners held in Center City:

“Many unpaved Township Roads in Franconia and Chisago Lakes experience far heavier traffic than roads currently being paved in the Rush City area."

Commissioner Lynn Schultz was in attendance, jumped up and shouted “That’s a lie!”

Undeterred, Glassel continued:

"In some way, this imbalance must be corrected. Paved Township roads in South County will increase property values much sooner and will likely attract more new residents than anywhere else in the county. We need this growth, we need to assist our townships in the road building process.”

Also in attendance was Commissioner Robinson, a close crony of Shultz and Gustafson, Glassel's incumbent opponent in District Three.

The traffic counter, installed by County workers at your expense is intended to prove Glassel wrong.

Once again, Lynn and her good old boy cronies listen to respond, to defend their dismal records, rather than to understand. Franconia and Chisago Lakes Township residents “shell out” both Township and County Road and Bridge construction taxes. The township collects just enough to maintain your gravel roads.

Your County Road and Bridge taxes get spent in Rush City, paving County roads with low traffic counts that benefit only Schultz’s all too close alliance with Commissioner Robinson.

Glassel and Walker are fighting to keep your township tax dollars working for you, providing you with “bang for your buck,” building a better Township, building a better County, rather than paving roads that serve Commissioners Robinson’s favorite bars, pubs and taverns.

Lynn Schultz quickly became a “Good Old Boy” politician and does not represent the people of the County. Her wasteful tax and spend ways benefit only herself and her cronies.
Commissioner Robinson is not the brightest bulb on the proverbial tree and cannot get reelected unless he brings a lot of "bacon" home to District Five.
To maintain his questionable contracts with the County, Gustafson needs support from Robinson and Schultz to prevent County Attorney Janet Reiter from prosecuting him on gross misdemeanor charges that could leave him imprisoned for a year.
Robinson and Schultz have "been in bed together," politically speaking, since her election in 2004 and look the other way as long as Gustafson sends District Three Road and Bridge money to Rush City.
The past four years of this arraignment incumbent Commissioner Gustafsonhas sent about 16 million South County tax dollars to Rush City.
"Bacon" to keep Robinson in power and himself out of jail.
Such are the ways of the Good Old Boy Politicians.
They get the bacon, while the taxpayer gets "porked."
Dump the Good Old Boys
Vote Glassel, Walker
September 9th Primary