Sunday, March 23, 2008

Glassel's Raise $1,100 for Hugo Community Food Shelf

Jonathan P. Glassel and his wife Bonnie are happy to announce the donation of $1,100 to the Hugo Community Food Shelf.

Like many churches and charitable organizations, the food shelf cannot accept cars and boats.

Acting as a conduit, the Glassel's accepted a used boat in their behalf and when sold, gave 100% of the proceeds to the food shelf.

Glassel commented, "Everyone is a winner on this deal. The boat was worth about $2,000 (in season), the donating party got a tax deduction, the purchaser got a great deal and the food shelf got some well needed cash at Christmas time."

Glassel concluded by saying, "We hope to do this again."

Commissioner Robinson refuses comment on Drunk Driving Question

Editorial and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel

Gustafson and the Case for Term Limits

Editorial and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel

Jury Still Out on Reiter, First in a Series

Janet should return pay raise and prosecute Gustafson
Editorial and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel

Many of our friends and neighbors, myself included supported Janet Reiter in her bid to replace the outgoing County Attorney, Katherine Johnson. We supported Janet based on her personal assurances of impartiality and her purported independence from the "Ruling Elitists."

We viewed this promised independence as a crucial first step toward rooting out the cronyism that is so prevalent in our County Government.

These are tough times for a lot of the folks in South County that supported Janet. Her salary as County Attorney is a great deal higher than her former position as assistant county attorney in Stillwater. That would be a sufficient pay raise for most of us.

I, for one was disappointed that Janet accepted the increase. I was sickened by the events leading up to her salary increase. Following is extracted from the Minutes of the Board Meeting.

"Discussion took place on the salaries for the elected officials, offering comment at this time were County Treasurer Lee Olson, County Sheriff Todd Rivard and County Attorney-elect Janet Reiter.
Commissioner Robinson stepping down from the chair and relinquishing the gavel to the vice chair offered a motion to set the 2007 salaries for the elected positions as follows: County Treasurer at $73,000; County Attorney at $88,000; County Auditor at $89,000, County Sheriff at $100,000.

Commissioner Gustafson seconded and offered a friendly amendment to change the County Attorney 2007 salary to $90,000. The friendly amendment was accepted by the motion maker.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chisago County Board of Commissioners hereby establishes and sets the salaries for the county=s elected officials in the following amounts effective January 1, 2007; County Auditor $89,000; County Treasurer $73,000; County Sheriff $100,000; and County Attorney $90,000.
Commissioner Gustafson seconded the resolution and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted:

IN FAVOR THEREOF: Schultz, Robinson, Gustafson
OPPOSED: Montzka, Olseen, Whereupon the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted"

(End of Quote)

Is it strange that Reiter refuses to prosecute Gustafson for his campaign law violations and other gross misdeamors surrounding the SoftBallGate affair? I guess Janet has learned very quickly who butters her bread. After her second pay increase from Gustafson, Reiter now earns an extra $6,597 annually.

Elect and hold accountable was my promise to the good folks of South County. The people of South County provided the winning votes for Reiter. Now it is time to hold her accountable for her actions, or lack thereof. (First in a Series)

Glassel Launches Bid to Replace Gustafson in Commissioners Court

Uncle Lars Bob sez, “ My Nephew, the one what writes this BLOG, is the clear choice to replace Gustafson as Chisago County District III Commissioner.”

As a general rule, politicians in local elections rarely discuss issues. A local politician, confronted with local issues will rarely take a solid stand on the most mundane of topics, not wanting to tip his hand on the political deal making to come after the elections.
Local elections are really just “beauty contests” with the candidates promising you everything and anything to get elected. Glassel is different. Glassel promises to make the local issues as transparent as possible, allowing voters to make intelligent decisions on the issues affecting the good people of Chisago County. Following are just of the few of the issues Glassel will be addressing in the upcoming campaign.

Voter Referendum on Term Limits for Elected County Officials

A New Jail for Sheriff Rivard?

Creation of Local Jobs and Sustainable Communities

The Highway 8 Corridor through Lindstrom


Global Warming


Direct Democracy, Can your Politician be replaced with a computer?

County Landfill Problems

Corruption and Cronyism in County Government

Chisago County Taxes Triple in Ten years
Enough is enough!
Glassel will not vote to raise County Taxes, ever!