“Tax and Spend Schultz”
Lynn’s Loophole, Sticks “it” to Rural Property Owners!
The Legislature Giveth, The Legislature Taketh Away!
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel
Lynn’s Loophole, Sticks “it” to Rural Property Owners!
The Legislature Giveth, The Legislature Taketh Away!
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel
For Chisago County Commissioners Lynn Schultz and Bob Gustafson, news of the 3.9% cap on property tax increases enacted by the Minnesota State Legislature was like a punch in the gut, knocking the wind from their tax and spend sails.
Most of us saw this cap as a message from the Legislature to the County Boards to get their spending in line and live within the means of the taxpayers. Most saw this cap as a blessing. The Legislature was finally moving to eliminate wasteful government spending at the County level.
Gustafson’s response was quick and natural, “What right does the Legislature have in telling us (The Commissioners) what we can or cannot do.” Schultz concurred and sought to find a “Loop Hole.”
Though Chisago County Commissioner Lynn Schultz and the County Board have known for some time about revisions to the Green Acres tax code that affect many property owners in Franconia, Lent and North Chisago Lakes townships, Commissioner Schultz sat on the information until the week end before the September Primary, not wishing for the news to become a campaign issue.
A good friend from Franconia, an arch conservative and Lora Walker supporter often describes democracy as the right of the many to take money from the few. We do this by electing a legislature to redistribute wealth. The object being to take money from those who have too much and pass it out to others. In a sense, getting someone else to “tote your water” for you.
These Green Acre revisions, this Tax Increase, which places monumental penalties on unproductive farm land, is so brutally unfair to farmers, I doubt any city dweller, the ultimate beneficiary of this hideous burden placed on our rural community, would approve.
However, for Tax and Spend Schultz and her Jail House Cronies, it is a “God Send”, a way to fund the massive operating costs of the proposed jail by inflicting a tremendous tax burden on our local farmers and ranchers. Though hardly wealthy, farmers will be forced to pay for the Corruption, Cronyism and Good Old Boy Politics of the current Board.
Get the facts for yourself, call Lora at 651-462-9308. Call Commissioner Schultz at 651-583-2657.
A “Minnesota Nice” sympathy vote for Commissioner Schultz may leave you feeling “Minnesota Stupid” when you open next year’s property tax statement.