Monday, September 15, 2008

Bonnie Glassel Demands Apology From Dreckman

Bonnie Glassel Demands Apology From Dreckman
Malicious Slander of a Public Personality Cited
As a result of malicious slander leveled against her husband, former Chisago County Commissioner candiate Jonathan P. Glassel just days before the Primary Election, Bonnie Broecker Glassel has sent the following letter to Kristy Dreckman, owner and operator of Croix Valley Pick Up.
From: Bonnie Broecker Glassel
2411 County Line Ave
New Richmond, WI 54017

To: Kristy Dreckman
9994 292nd Street
Chisago City, MN 55013
( 651) 257-6316.

September 15, 2008

Ms. Dreckman,

It has come to my attention that you have embarked upon an intentional and malicious campaign to slander my husband, Jonathan P. Glassel. By doing so, you have defamed my children, my family and have deeply embarrassed my elderly parents. You will be held accountable for your actions.

It has been reported that you, Kristy Dreckman, have falsely accused my husband of stalking you, sending pornographic emails to you and you have falsely reported to have a protective order against my husband.

As you know, my husband has never met you face to face, although he did have several telephone conversations with you, regarding business matters some four to five years ago.

If you wish to avoid litigation, you will set the record straight, make public apology to my husband, my family, my parents and the people of Chisago County.

Rest assured, I will clear my husband’s name.

It is obvious from the timing of your malicious attack on my husband, that politics played a part in your malicious attack and slander of my husband.

I feel your attack on my husband may have been motivated by Lynn Schultz, Mike Robinson and/or Bob Gustafson. The fact that you were induced to slander my husband does not relieve you of financial responsibility for your slander.

As part of your apology, assuming inducement by others, you will name those involved in this conspiracy to slander my husband and family.

You have 48 hours to respond or I will file litigation in the appropriate court.

A copy of this letter will be sent to Bruce Johnson, your last known Attorney of Record.

Bonnie Broecker Glassel

Venue in this matter may be Wisconson, where the Glassel's currently reside. Wisconsin law allows the jury to award punitive damages when malice is involved.
In other words, though actual damages may be unknown, a jury could award punitive damages to the Glassels since this alleged act by Dreckman is clearly malicious.
The Glassels are expected to seek damages in excess of $500,000.