Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Proposed Chisago County Jail a Boongoggle

Glassel Clear Winner of Last Night's Debate
Sheriff Rivard Unable to Intimidate Glassel

Sheriff Rivard, with uniformed Deputies in tow were unable to dissuade Glassel from taking a stand against the jail. Despite menacing glares from Rivard and his cronies, Commissioners Robinson and Schultz, Glassel joined Commissioner Rick Greene in denouncing the proposed jail as an outlandish waste of taxpayers money.

Glassel withstood taunting and other bullying tactics from Commissioner Robinson, but was not deterred from making the following speech.

"First of all, I would like to thank Commissioner Rick Green for his courage and candor on this issue. To paraphrase Commissioner Greene, “The walls will crumble, before it (the proposed jail) can ever be filled.”

Commissioner Greene further indicated the lack of support for this project in his District. As presently planned, there is no public support for this project in any District.

This project is a boondoggle of colossal proportions and will become a debtor’s prison for the taxpayers Chisago County.

It will take jobs and money from our hard working, rank and file County Employees, which in turn, will reduce services to the residents of Chisago County.

Six years of incompetent leadership has left the County Attorney’s Office in a complete shamble. It was not thought possible that anyone could be less competent than Katherine Johnson.

Janet Reiter has proven us wrong.

While our kids are routinely jailed for underage drinking, the County Attorney’s Office has not sent a felony drug dealer to State Prison in memorable history, although a local man was recently jailed for five days due to expired license tabs.

Perhaps, it is time to prosecute the drug dealers, send them up the river and stop jailing non violent misdemeanor offenders.

If we run the drug dealers out of Chisago County, drug related petty crimes will cease.

It appears to me, that Sheriff Rivard, County Attorney Reiter and our Judges are running up the score against the young and the poor to coerce the taxpayers into building their very own debtors prison.

This project has no public support, is such a monstrous waste of taxpayer dollars, the motives of its few supporters must be brought into question.

It is simply the wrong boondoggle, at the wrong place, at the wrong time."

Glassel's moving speech was greeted by thunderous applause from those in attendance.