Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Epitaph Offers Reward

Commissioner Robinson Refuses Comment on Drunk Driving Question
And Why it Matters
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel

Chisago County Commissioner Mike Robinson is an over the road truck driver. A truck driver with a DUI or DWI on his record is an unemployed truck driver.

For reasons unknown, during the summer of 2006, Commissioner Robinson was inexplicably chauffeured to all county events. Events to which he normally drives himself. Two to three weeks later, just as inexplicably, Robinson resumed driving.

When asked by a supporter, Robinson reportedly replied, "I'd rather not talk about it, but I quit drinking."

By his own admission, Mike Robinson is an alcoholic and reformed drug user.

Mike Robinson is an abuser. Mike Robinson abuses alcohol. Mike Robinson abused drugs and Mike Robinson abuses his position as County Commissioner.

Mike Robinson routinely abuses the power of his office and Mike Robinson abuses the trust we have placed in him.

Sheriff Rivard has confirmed Robinson was stalking Lora Walker a full three years after Walker was defeated by current Chisago County Commissioner Lynn Schultz.

Quite frankly, Commissioner Mike Robinson is a bully. In Mike’s world, you are either friend, foe or terrified.

Robinson is convinced his enemies possess a picture of himself and Commissioner Schultz in a “compromising” position. Whether or not this picture actually exists is unimportant.

The fact that Chisago County Commissioners Mike Robinson and Lynn Schultz think it (the photograph) exists is alarming to say the least.

Robinson believes his political enemies possess this compromising photo and seeks to terrorize them into submission.

Robinson’s most common threat goes something like this “I will do to you what I did to (Bob) Carter’s family.”

It is not clear what Robinson did to Carter’s family, if anything. Perhaps in his own paranoid and delusional state, Robinson feels the 2,692 votes garnered in the last election gives him some sort of “Godfather” like power over his opponents. Perhaps Carter woke up with the head of his favorite race horse.

Back to the DWI issue and why it is important. Only a Judge could force Robinson to stop driving by temporarily suspending Mike’s license, indicating the possibility of a cover up as no official records exist.

Sheriff Rivard denies knowledge, yet an arresting officer, a Judge and Mike’s chauffeurs would have knowledge if any sort of drunken driving actually occurred. Which raises the question of who has whom by the testicles.

Two years after the event, a police officer or a judge involved in a cover up would be just as vulnerable as Robinson to extortion.

A forty million dollar jail looms in our future. It is likely that Robinson, Schultz and Gustafson will approve the issue shortly after the fall elections. Perhaps we do need a new jail. However, it would be nice to know we are building this new facility from necessity rather than political extortion.

And that is why Mike should answer this simple question, “Did you or have you, while in office as County Commissioner ever been arrested or received any sort of ticket for Drunken Driving, anywhere?”

Publishers Note: The Epitaph will pay a cash reward of $1,000 for the photograph mentioned in the above story. If you have solid information regarding Commissioner Robinson’s driving, you can email in confidence to