Wednesday, July 16, 2008

District One Commissioner's Race

Tough Times Bring Talented Trio
To Commissioner’s Race

Korby, Larson, Walker Seek to
Represent District One at Commissioners Court
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel

It is an ill wind that blows no good, there is a silver lining behind every cloud. Politics, as nature abhors a vacuum and great leaders will arise when there is a great need.

Chisago County is in great need of new and progressive leadership. Leaders with the dedication, energy, enthusiasm and vision to address the challenges facing us today. Leaders with the intellect to build a better county for our children and our children’s children. Leaders willing to expend the time and effort to solve our problems, rather than throw taxpayer money at our problems.

Korby, Larson and Walker are a breath of fresh air to local politics.

Dedicated, intelligent and hardworking , each Candidate brings their own unique vision of Chisago County to the electorate, united by the common goal of building a better county through solid lead leadership.

It is the tough times, the pain felt by many of Chisago County’s citizens that prompted Korby, Larson and Walker to devote their time, treasure and talent to the people of Chisago County.

We need all three of these candidates in service to the county.

Unfortunately, we can choose only one.

You can do something about it, vote for solid leadership, rather than politics as usual!