On July 13, 2012 at 1534
Hours I was requested to make phone contact with the Complainant, Deborah Sabara,
at her place of employment in Interlachen NY.
I contacted Deborah who advised that her daughter (Minor
Child) is visiting her Father, Darrel Trulson at 30619 Wallmark Lake Dr.
Chisago City. She stated that she had spoken with (Minor Child) who told her
that she is scared and wants to come home to New York. The reason is that her
Father “creeps her out” by lying on top of her on the couch. Deborah requested
a welfare check.
I responded to the address and was greeted at the door
by Darrel Trulson. I asked if (Minor Child) was home, he stated that she was,
and invited me into the residence; I noted the house was neat and clean. He
called for (Minor Child) and she came to the entry way. I asked Darrel if it
was OK to step outside with (Minor Child) so that we could speak in private, he
stated that was fine.
(Minor Child) and I stepped outside. Once outside, I
explained the reason for my visit. I asked her to tell me why she was scared.
She stated she wasn’t so much scared as she was creeped out. I asked her to
tell me why she was creeped out, she stated that when she lays down on the
couch, her dad comes over and lays down on top of her. I asked what she thought
when he does this. She stated that she thinks he is just playing around but
that it creeps her out. I asked if she was afraid of getting hurt or if she
thought he would hurt her. She stated that she was not afraid of that. I asked
if she was homesick and she stated she was. I explained that I that I would not
be able to help her get home to her Mother, that her Mother would have to work
on that in New York, she understood this. I further explained that if she felt
in danger to call 9-1-1.
I then had Darrel step out and (Minor Child) step back
into house. I asked Darrel if he lies down on top of (Minor Child) when she is
on the couch, he stated that he does do this and does it because that’s how he
plays with the kids. I explained to him how (Minor Child) feels about this,
that she is a 16 year old girl going from childhood to adulthood and that this
act really bothers her and suggested that he not do that anymore. He stated
that he understands and would not do this anymore.
I cleared the residence
and called the complainant back and advised her of my findings.
Mark A Stovern.
On 7-13-2012 myself and Deputy
Mark Stovern went to the Trulson residence on Wallmark Lake Dr. Deputy Stovern
talked to the Mother of (Minor Child). He stated that (Minor Child) is at her
Father’s residence for summer visitation from New York.
Deputy Stovern talked with (Minor Child) outside the residence
while I stayed inside the residence with Darrel Trulson. I advised him that we
received a call from Deborah Sabara, (Minor Child’s) Mother, stating that her
daughter was complaining of feeling uncomfortable with staying at her father’s
residence. Sabara reported that Trulson “jumped on” (Minor Child) while she was
lying on the couch. He told me that he was wrestling around with his daughter
and nothing immoral or illegal took place.
Deputy Stovern then talked with Darrel outside the
residence and I stayed inside with (Minor Child). She admitted that it was
difficult and not very much fun to visit all the way from New York. She does
not know anybody here and she is away from her friends.
Deputy Stovern advised we
could clear a short while later. See Deputy Stovern’s report for complete
details. Kris E. Scott.
The above report was transcribed from the original. I can email a scanned copy of the original.
The following is opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel
Darrel Trulson is a Republican endorsed candidate for Chisago County Commissioner. Trulson often uses the slogan "Business Friendly & Family Strong"
Darrel Trulson is also the Campaign Manager (Chair) for Bob Barrett who is the Republican candidate for State Representative.