I would like to think the war in Iraq is about freedom for the Iraqi people.
Adding 26 million people to a world of free thought and expression would be a remarkable achievement. An achievement not possible without the sacrifice of 4,000 of our nation's son and daughters.
Quite frankly, the reality of the situation is this simple: We sacrifice our sons and daughters to stabilize our supply of cheap, foreign oil.
I think about this every time I fill my tank. I think about a better way to power our country and our way of life.
Ethanol from corn is inefficient at best. But it is a start. If we can grow our own fuel, our money stays in this country, rather than sent off to Saudi Arabia. We are talking billions and billions of dollars for investment and jobs in this country.
Ethanol technology will advance. Other, more efficient crops will be converted to fuel. We can still drive our cars and maybe, just maybe that young person now driving a tank in Iraq will come home to drive a John Deere tractor, harvesting sugar beets in Western Minnesota.
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Thanks, Jon