It’s Time to Forgive
Lora Walker
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel
Lora Walker
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel
Well funded jail supporters propelled Chisago County District One Commissioner Lynn Schultz into the General Election with shouts of “Remember the Libraries,” reviving a long dead issue which prompted some folks to cast votes against Lora Walker rather than for Lynn Schultz.
The library issue was far more complicated than Schultz and her jail house cronies are capable of comprehending. Lora made a decision she felt was appropriate when all factors were considered. Right, wrong or indifferent, land was donated and the Libraries have been built. We have brick and mortar that cost us 6.7 million dollars.
It should be noted for the record that due process was followed and public meetings were held, as required by law.
On the other hand, Commissioner Schultz and her Jail House cronies have already spent $6,000,000 toward the jail with nothing to show for it, except over priced real estate and debt contracted on behalf of the taxpayer. The first shovel of dirt has yet to be turned and we are already in debt with staggering costs to follow.
Haven’t heard about the new jail? Don’t feel like the Lone Ranger. Of the 50,000 residents in Chisago County, 95% are totally unaware of the $40,000,000 jail project planned by Schultz and her jail house cronies.
Chisago County pays about $800,000 a year to house inmates in surrounding counties. This is the crux of Sheriff Rivard’s argument for a $40,000,000 jail to be named in his honor. Annual operating costs of the new jail are projected to be $2,800,000 or about 10% of the current levy collected from property owners. Jail operating costs must come from the general property tax levy and cannot be bonded. The State Legislature has capped levy increases at 3.9% which means other services and county jobs must be cut or new tax revenue found in order to pay the expected operating costs of the new jail.
To cover the cost of the jail itself, you can expect your property taxes to increase by about 30%. In 3 1/2 years, your property taxes will double. Shultz and her jail house cronies seek to cram this thing up the taxpayers behind with little notice or debate.
Lora Walker believes a mandate from the taxpayers, those directly paying for this project, is a necessity. Lora wants you to have a say in how you are taxed and seeks “bang for your buck” on every tax dollar collected and spent.
As with the libraries, the District One Commissioner will be the “swing vote.” At this point, Commissioners Montzka and Green stand opposed to the jail as presently planned. Commissioners Gustafson, Robinson and Schultz favor the $40,000,000 jail. Walker’s election will send the project to a public referendum with support from Green and Montzka. Unlike school referendums, jail referendum’s rarely pass as taxpayers understand one simple fact, better schools provide a return on investment with better educated kids that become taxpayers. Jails, on the other hand provide no such “bang for the buck.”
If we continue to punish Lora for past sins, we cut off our collective nose to spite our face. Lora has evolved and learned from her mistakes.
The fate of large Public Works Projects like libraries and jails must be decided by the taxpayers. Get the facts for yourself, call Lora at 651-462-9308. Call Commissioner Schultz at 651-583-2657.