Tough on Crime, Smart About Crime
Common Sense for Chisago County Sheriff
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel
Chisago County has never been a haven for hardened criminals, yet we spend hundreds of thousands of dollars each year housing non violent inmates at jails in Polk, Isanti and Washington County simply because the Prison Industrial Complex seeks to force the construction of a never ending system of prisons throughout this country.
Duncan understands that only very small fractions of the citizenry are habitual criminals.
These are often youthful offenders requiring guidance, perhaps a redirecting of their moral compass.
Of his many achievements in Minneapolis Law Enforcement, Duncan’s work with kids has had outstanding results. 70% of youthful offenders participating in Duncan’s Police Athletic League stayed out of trouble and never returned to the system, saving incalculable tax dollars used to reduce violent crime and crimes against property by a whopping 17% and 27% respectively.
Duncan’s two fold strategy on crime has served Minneapolis well.
A Minneapolis Police Sergeant, a county resident, puts it this way. “Rick Duncan is the best Commanding Officer I have ever had the privilege of serving. We are gonna miss Rick. He will make a great Sheriff. We know he won’t be back; the good ones never come back. Some guys leave the Department and return, but the best never come back.”