Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Rednecks for Walker!

Rednecks for Walker!
Farmers, Ranchers and City Folk Favor
Lora for Commissioner
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel

The term “Redneck” originated in the Appalachian Mountains of Eastern Kentucky referring to a quiet, independent, tough and stoic breed of Mountain Men. In the tradition of Daniel Boone, when the smoke from another cabin was visible on the horizon, the Redneck moved further west.

When our fledgling nation was in danger of collapse during the Revolutionary War, a group of Rednecks known as the Green Mountain Boys came, kicked ass on the British, changed the coarse of world history and quietly went back home.

Rednecks keep to themselves and a few close friends, never stick their nose where it don’t belong, but are always the first to offer help to a neighbor in need.

My brother, Dave, who lives in Texas is a redneck. Now, Dave uses the “N Word” with a profusity that leaves his “Yankee” siblings shocked and red faced. Yet my brother would give, without hesitation, the shirt off his own back to anyone, regardless of race, color or creed that needed it.

Such is the nature of a redneck.

A redneck won’t lie to you, he won’t BS you and he won’t steal from you. He expects the same in return. A redneck despises Good Old Boy Politicians and has a long memory. If you promise less government interference, you had best deliver. If you promised to restore his rights as a landowner, you had best deliver. If you promised to hold the line on taxes, yet raised taxes your first two years in office and only opposed a tax increase as an election year ploy, don’t expect to get that redneck’s vote next time around. A redneck is not stupid.

A redneck lives frugally and hates a thief. If you squander $500 of his tax money each month to stay at swank downtown hotel to carouse with a bunch of drunken commissioners, while within driving distance of home, he will consider you a thief.

Best not to ask for his vote, next time around, Pilgrum, ‘cuz that dog ain’t gonna hunt in these here parts.

Rednecks don’t like government boondoggles or new taxes. A redneck lives within his means and expects government to do the same. If a redneck needs to do “something” but lacks the money, he does something else and expects government to do the same.

A redneck knows we can’t afford to jail everybody, so his redneck logic says, “maybe we should jail the drug dealers” that seek to harm our kids, not jail our kids for underage drinking.

After living for many years in Texas, two things struck me as odd when I returned to Minnesota. I did not recall Possums and Rednecks existing in the Chisago of my youth, yet both were here in great abundance. At first I mused that the redneck surely followed his food supply North, but in time I came to realize, we have always been here. Rednecks that is.

When the future of our county is at stake, we will rise to the occasion as did the Green Mountains Boys, elect competent leadership, dump the Good Old Boys and quietly go back home.

This time we will dump Lynn Schultz, elect Lora Walker and return integrity and honesty to the County Board.

Vote Lora Walker for County Commissioner

Monday, September 15, 2008

Bonnie Glassel Demands Apology From Dreckman

Bonnie Glassel Demands Apology From Dreckman
Malicious Slander of a Public Personality Cited
As a result of malicious slander leveled against her husband, former Chisago County Commissioner candiate Jonathan P. Glassel just days before the Primary Election, Bonnie Broecker Glassel has sent the following letter to Kristy Dreckman, owner and operator of Croix Valley Pick Up.
From: Bonnie Broecker Glassel
2411 County Line Ave
New Richmond, WI 54017

To: Kristy Dreckman
9994 292nd Street
Chisago City, MN 55013
( 651) 257-6316.

September 15, 2008

Ms. Dreckman,

It has come to my attention that you have embarked upon an intentional and malicious campaign to slander my husband, Jonathan P. Glassel. By doing so, you have defamed my children, my family and have deeply embarrassed my elderly parents. You will be held accountable for your actions.

It has been reported that you, Kristy Dreckman, have falsely accused my husband of stalking you, sending pornographic emails to you and you have falsely reported to have a protective order against my husband.

As you know, my husband has never met you face to face, although he did have several telephone conversations with you, regarding business matters some four to five years ago.

If you wish to avoid litigation, you will set the record straight, make public apology to my husband, my family, my parents and the people of Chisago County.

Rest assured, I will clear my husband’s name.

It is obvious from the timing of your malicious attack on my husband, that politics played a part in your malicious attack and slander of my husband.

I feel your attack on my husband may have been motivated by Lynn Schultz, Mike Robinson and/or Bob Gustafson. The fact that you were induced to slander my husband does not relieve you of financial responsibility for your slander.

As part of your apology, assuming inducement by others, you will name those involved in this conspiracy to slander my husband and family.

You have 48 hours to respond or I will file litigation in the appropriate court.

A copy of this letter will be sent to Bruce Johnson, your last known Attorney of Record.

Bonnie Broecker Glassel

Venue in this matter may be Wisconson, where the Glassel's currently reside. Wisconsin law allows the jury to award punitive damages when malice is involved.
In other words, though actual damages may be unknown, a jury could award punitive damages to the Glassels since this alleged act by Dreckman is clearly malicious.
The Glassels are expected to seek damages in excess of $500,000.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

More "Minnesota Nice" from Commissioner Lynn Schultz

More "Minnesota Nice" from Chisago County District One Commissioner Lynn Schultz?
The following was posted anonymously to this Blog. The writing stlyle and verbage are indicative of Commissioner Schultz.
"Comment moderation? What happened to free speech, you hypocrite?
You forgot to mention you only got 77 votes, mutt. Dead last! Faith is restored in the intelligence of Chisago County voters.
The good news for you is now you can devote yourself full time to your masturbatory smearing of people voters do see fit to let lead.
It is my sincerest hope that someday your perverted rantings come back on you 10-fold. You hoped only to cause pain and all you ever were - even to the people whose name you dragged through the mud for fun - was a laughingstock.
Seek help Jon. You are a sick man.
Good riddance to bad rubbish. (See, that's a know...because you are a garbage man.)"
Lynn, thanks for your comments.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Glassel Thanks Supporters

Glassel Thanks Supporters
Considers Write in Campaign
As expected, incumbent Bob Gustafson will be on the November ballot seeking another term as District Three County Commissioner.
Gustafson will be challenged by big city politician George McMahon. In 2004, Gustafson was earned second seed at the Primary yet delivered a convincing win over Curt Flug in the General Election.
A write in candidacy is always a long shot, especially when facing a well funded candidate like McMahon.
The bigger question is this, "Is McMahon any better than Gustafson? Or is he just another good old boy politican seeking political office for his own benefit and the benefit of his cronies?"
McMahon and Company delivered an impressive primary win, garnering some 600 votes, but can he beat Gustafson in the fall when 6,000 votes could be cast in the Presidential Election?
A write in campaign could send the lesser of two evils into power or return Gustafson for another four years of taxing and spending.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Panic at the Schultz Camp!

Panic at the Schultz Camp!
Local GOP Leadership Should Distance Themselves from Commissioners Robinson and Schultz
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel

Rumors abound about an all too close relationship between Commissioners Robinson and Schultz while a cover up of a possible 2006 arrest of Commissioner Robinson for drunken driving looms, ever closer, on the horizon. Either of these could spell disaster for local Republicans.

Robinson refuses comment on the issue, while Sheriff Rivard denies any knowledge of the DUI issue. As such, we take Rivard at his word. If the DUI rumor proves to be true, we must assume it happened in another county or state.

Robinson is convinced his enemies possess a picture of himself and Commissioner Schultz in a “compromising” position. Whether or not this picture actually exists is unimportant.

The fact that Robinson thinks it exists is substantial circumstantial evidence of an all too close relationship between two of the most powerful persons in Chisago County.

Much is at stake for the local GOP this election season. Distancing themselves from Robinson, Schultz and their “Mafia style” campaigns would seem prudent.