Sunday, March 23, 2008

Commissioner Robinson refuses comment on Drunk Driving Question

Editorial and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel


Anonymous said...

Is there an allegation that Robinson drove drunk? If so, where did it come from? Was he ticketed or arrested? If so, is there a case number? A court file?

Who asked Robinson to comment? What was his response?

It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that there is absolutely no detail of anything here. Just a headline. Will something more be forthcoming? Or, is this just a chance to get "Commissioner Robinson" and "drunk driving" together in a Google search.

Jonathan P. Glassel said...

Unsubstantiated rumors have been floating around for some time about a Robinson DWI in 2006.

I, Jonathan P. Glassel posed the question to him about a year ago. He has yet to respond.

Sheriff Rivard denied having any knowledge of a Robinson DWI at that same time.

It is my understanding Robinson is currently in treatment. This is a good thing.

There is no evidence to support the theory that Robinson's attempt to cut the Sheriff's budget was meant to increase his (Mike's) chances of getting away with Drunk Driving.

If the drunk driving allegation is true, that would mean others, very powerful people in government are helping to cover it up.

That would be sad indeed.

Hopefully Robinson will come clean on this issue. We look forward to his comments.

I will be writing more as time progresses.

Thanks for your comments, Jon

Anonymous said...

So, basically you have nothing here but an irresponsible slur. Gotcha.

It certainly would be easy enough to look up. The court system in Chisago County has a complete electronic file on hand.

If there is no record of a court file, then hence, there is no DWI and this is post is nothing more than a smear.

I would suggest that, unless you can provide some evidence of this as now totally irresponsible allegation, you probably owe him an apology.

Shame on you for using a wonderful medium, which gives us all a chance at a voice, to do little more than smear with innuendo. Provide evidence or correct this post to note that you "allegation" is nothing more than a cheap shot.

Jonathan P. Glassel said...

The question is this "Why doesn't Robinson just clear the air by answering the simple question?"

Were you, Mike Robinson, arrested for drunk driving in recent years?

Minnesota has many counties. So does Wisconsin. Mike Robinson is a powerful man with many friends in high places.

Would they cover up for him? Could these powerful people keep records out of a computer?

If so, does that action compromise Mike's decision making capacity. Does he work for the people or does he work for them?

Lynn, why don't you just tell Mike to answer the question.

Thanks for your comments, Jon

Anonymous said...

"Why doesn't Robinson answer the question?"

That's despicable. Robinson has nothing to prove. Anyone with even the most basic understanding of the law would realize the burden of proof is on YOU!

Mr. Robinson has never been charged with a DWI in Chisago County. That is a fact. You, on the other hand, have been accused of harassment, perjury and a host of other criminal activity.

With this post, you might as well add libel to the mix.

I see in a lower post you plan to challenge Mr. Gustafson for his seat on the county board. You suggest that Mr. Gustafson lacks integrity. I fail to see how your addition on the county board would improve that.

Judging by your willingness to libel others, on the integrity scale, your election to the seat would be a significant step backward.

You have reduced politics to personal attacks and smears. Congratulations.

Again, I call on you to do the right thing. Amend this post and apologize to Mr. Robinson for your libel.

Common decency demands it.

Jonathan P. Glassel said...

I, Jonathan P. Glassel, hold no malice toward Commissioner Robinson.

Please correct me if I am wrong. It is my understanding that Mike Robinson has admitted his alcoholism and is in treatment.

I applaud Mike's efforts toward sobriety. His task is formidable, indeed. Mike has my full support in his recovery process.

However, Mike Robinson did not become an alcoholic yesterday. Statistically speaking, Mike has been an alcoholic since he drank his first beer, likely as a teenager.

Mike Robinson has likely been an alcoholic throughout his tenure as County Commissioner.

Alcoholics get arrested for drunk driving.

It is statistically improbable that an alcoholic will go through his entire life without being ticketed for drunken driving.

As you note, I spend a considerable amount of time at the courthouse.

I see plenty of drunk drivers tongue lashed by the Judges. In some cases, hopefully, this humiliating process leads to recovery for the drunk driver.

Mike Robinson is a public figure. As such, he is, and rightly so, held to a higher level of public scrutiny and should, in my opinion address this issue and answer the question.

In my opinion, Commissioner Schultz has played a big part in Mike's newfound sobiety.

Undoutably, Lynn has been good for Mike.

Admirable, but is this camaraderie good for the taxpayers?

Have a picture perfect day, thanks for your comments.

Anonymous said...

If I understand you right, we have graduated from you knowing he has a DWI, to the theory that, since he does or did drink, he MUST have had a DWI.

Great evidence. Really. You've outdone yourself. Here's a comparison:

I notice you have large hands. Using your level of proof, I would be justified putting up a post entitled "Jonathan P. Glassel unable to prove he doesn't choke wife Bonnie."

Nothing personal. I just can't fathom that someone with such big hands isn't prone to use them to injure others. As you have made yourself a public figure by becoming a blogger, you should be held to a higher standard than others. No hard feelings right, wife abuser?

Now, obviously the assertion that, because of a specific trait you possess you must be guilty of a related crime is ridiculous, and you are rightfully outraged that I would even suggest it. Yet you are doing the exact same thing to Mr. Robinson.

On a sidenote, as I read your post more carefully, things became clearer to me.

The level of personal information you claim to have is such that it must have come from someone very close to the county board (assuming you aren't simply making it up).

After reading your blog, it can't possibly be Robinson, Gustafson, or Schultz as you are critical of all three. That leaves two, begging the questions:

Who among the remaining two would stoop to dishing personal information about a rival? Which has a history of this kind of surreptitious personal attacks? Which would be comfortable having a loose cannon carry his dirty water?

It's not Greene's style for sure.

And then it hit me. BOOM!

You are the latest Ben Montzka sock puppet, aren't you?

These thoughts aren't even your own. You are simply the latest heavy given the job of disseminating Montzka's personal attacks.

Ha. Ha. You are a sock puppet.

Now that I understand, it's more funny than anything. As an individual you seemed actually kind of concerning. As a sock puppet, you're really just a useful idiot, a dime a dozen, really.

Do yourself a favor. Grow your own thoughts. Let Montzka do his own dirty work. The only thing more embarrassing than being an idiot is being someone else's.

Have a picture perfect day!

Jonathan P. Glassel said...

I thought Montzka was a Republican, too.

If my knowledge seems too close to the County Board, what does that say about your knowledge?

Anonymous said...

At least you had the good sense not to deny the fact that you are a sock puppet.

My knowledge is irrelevant by the way. I'm not the one making totally irresponsible smears against county commissioners.

For the record, I would have defended Montzka or anyone else just as vigorously against your brand of personal attacks. It has nothing to do with party. It has to do with irresponsible sock puppets (and their county board masters) taking advantage of blogs to launch vicious personal attacks against honorable people.

If you want to blast Robinson on the issues be my guest.

Jonathan P. Glassel said...

A Republican shalt not defame a fellow Republican. I think this is law somewhere.

I have met Montzka several times. He did not strike me as someone who would dissemenate false information or spread rumors of any sort.

On the other hand, I have several "conduits" into Bob Gustafson's Rumor Mill which continually slams Montzka as they did with Rick Olseen and Lora Walker.

As a fellow Republican, I must ask why Montzka is blamed by Gustafson, Robinson and Schultz for the rumors I hear about them-- coming from Gustafson's own Rumor Mill?

Statistically speaking, a person with big hands is no more likely to abuse his spouse than a person with small hands.

On the other hand, a drunk is far more likely to be arrested for drunken driving than is a non drinker.

For the record I state that I have never choked my wife. Your allegations of spousal abuse are totally false. Should you choose to confirm this statement, you may call Bonnie at 612-272-9535.

It is in the best interest of local Republicans that Robinson issue a similiar statement to dispell rumors of his drunken driving.

Robinson should clear the air on the DWI issue so we can proceed to the next rumor eminating from the Bob Gustafson Rumor Mill.

It occurs to me, Gustafson has lost much of his stature to SoftBallGate, MastersGate and his violations of election laws. Gustafson has reliquished much of his power to Mike and Lynn.

Could he be disseminating false information about Mike and Lynn?

Thanks, Jon

Anonymous said...

Oh, Mr. Glassel, you are too rich. Honestly. Hilarious.

So, the rumors are coming from the very man you recently announced your intention to run against?

How incredibly, amazingly, convenient for you. You get to spread your vicious little smears and then blame it on the integrity lapses of your opponent.

A tip for you: You are very lucky that I am a person of integrity unlike...say...yourself. Posting under your real name is stupid enough. Posting you wife's phone number is reckless in the extreme. You do realize this is a global medium, yes? That anyone who might want it now has your full name and phone number? You really ought to be a smidge more security conscious. What you have done to Mr. Robinson should be a lesson to you on how easily someone else (who perhaps actually has a site people read) could do the same to you.

I had to learn that lesson the hard way, involving a few conversations with the FBI. There is no reason you should have to go through the same thing.

Since you are a newcomer to the medium, you can consider that a piece of friendly advice, free of charge.

On that note, I have concluded that you are a far greater danger to yourself than you could ever possibly be to anyone else. If I was the Mrs. I would slap you upside the head for posting her phone number.

Best of luck in your race against Mr. Gustafson. Tell Ben I said hello. I hope you learn a little, along the way in your journey, about responsibility. Perhaps someday your site will actually be "the last word in local news," and not just the "first word in local smears."

Welcome to the sphere, neighbor. And now I bid you farewell, for your repartee is no longer witty or interesting. Perhaps I'll check back someday.

Until then, adieu.

Jonathan P. Glassel said...

With much regret we say good bye to Lynn Schultz. Hopefully she will return to contribute once again on another day.

It is the purpose of my paper and my candidacy to make local government transparent to all citizens of Chisago County.

I may not be the best candidate to accomplish this task.

However, my storied career, my past successes and my many failures have left me with the experience, fortitude and dedication to return control of Chisago County to its citizens.

To accomplish this task, I myself must be transparent. I cannot hide from past mistakes nor will I expend any effort to hide my mistakes from you.

I will not hide behind fictious screen names or expound my views from anonyminity.

As a voter, you must be able to see through me and like what you see.

I will respond to any question asked of me with the following exception. After my newspaper of November, 2006 Judge Swenson issued a gag order forbidding me from commenting or providing information to the public about my cases. All of this is public information and can be viewed at the Courthouse in Center City.

In my opinion, it is the duty of every American to leave our Democracy better than we found it.

As Americans, we elect leaders, not rulers. Servants, not masters.

The time of cronyism and political bosses is over. The people of Chisago County are well equipped to self govern.

I hope to lead this reformation toward a more direct democracy.

The how and why of this reformation will be laid out in the coming weeks and months of this campaign.

Thanks for your comments, thanks for your support, Jon

Anonymous said...

You have been duly notified. You may retract your statements immediately. If you choose not to do so, Jonathan P. Glassel and Bonnie K. Glassel will have no recourse other than litigation.

Let's see if I got this straight. You actively libel people at his very site, but have the gall to threaten to sue others for their supposed libel of you. One might think you would be a little more sensitive to smearing people online.

I guess we can add hypocrite to the sordid laundry list of things we have already affirmed you are.

Anonymous said...

Whoops. I forgot the link. Here it is, with the rest of the post to follow.

You have been duly notified. You may retract your statements immediately. If you choose not to do so, Jonathan P. Glassel and Bonnie K. Glassel will have no recourse other than litigation.

Let's see if I got this straight. You actively libel people at his very site, but have the gall to threaten to sue others for their supposed libel of you. One might think you would be a little more sensitive to smearing people online.

I guess we can add hypocrite to the sordid laundry list of things we have already affirmed you are.

Jonathan P. Glassel said...

Hey, the search engines are working. I can now google "Chisago Commissioner Robinson Drunk" and it takes me to South County Epitaph. Cool, Huh?

Anonymous said...

3rd reader here... from Google.

All politicians stink. They lie right to your face and smile while chattering meaningless babble. So why defend this Robinson guy? This drinking man fits right in..... jail!

He's obviously lying or hiding some big news or he would have answered your question.

Be patient. His first step is to sober up. Then he can move onto bigger things... like to Grow up, MAN up and tell the truth!

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