Saturday, May 3, 2008

High Tech Hoosegow or Debtor’s Prison?

Lynn’s Desperate Gamble to Win Re-Election
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel

Let sleeping dogs lie, as the old saying goes. A Forty Million Dollar Boondoggle was dead, or so we thought. Commissioners Robinson and Gustafson seemed perfectly willing to leave the issue lie during an election year.

Overriding Commissioners Gustafson and Robinson, County Chair Lynn Schultz has revived the jail issue and is determined to ramrod the jail project into fruition by year’s end, with final Board approval coming after the fall elections, possibly in a “lame duck” capacity should she lose her bid for re-election.

In a down economy, with angry taxpayers nearing revolt, pushing a boondoggle of this magnitude would seem to be political suicide.
However, Schultz is preparing for a tough rematch with Lora Walker this fall. As you will recall, Lynn defeated Lora by a mere 132 votes in the 2004 election.

An invigorated and reinvented Walker is likely to build relationships with elected township officials, alienated (pissed off) by Commissioner Schultz. It is rumored that Walker has taken a leave of absence from her regular job for the sole purpose of regaining her seat on the County Board.

Lora Walker made some “bonehead mistakes” while in office that cost her 132 votes and the election. Right, wrong or indifferent the Libraries have been built and I do not look for Lora to repeat the mistake of imposing undue burden on the landowners along the St. Croix River. It should be noted that Walker did act to repeal that mistake.

Walker has maintained her popularity in the District. People forgave her mistakes, which seem minor when confronted with the inane, self absorbed, high handed and vindictive bitchiness of Commissioner Schultz.

Hence, the logic behind Schultz’s Gamble.

Lynn has tasted power and wants more. She does not want to be remembered as a “one termer.”

Re-Election could well cost Schultz $50,000 or more facing an extremely popular opponent like Walker. Lynn needs money, lots of it and the support of County employees, most notably from Sheriff Rivard and the Sheriff’s Department.

Unlike most taxpayers, Government employees are “recession proof,” with a select few getting paid while they attend college at your expense. Chisago County employs 500 to 600 people. Assuming a spouse at home, people within their sphere of influence and County employees can supply the winning votes to re-elect most anyone, even Lynn Schultz.

Public Works Projects like the new jail, are job security for those on the County (your) payroll.

Though the jail will cost you, the taxpayers of Chisago County over Forty Million dollars, it could well assure Schultz’s re-election. If re-elected, you can expect Schultz to push for a new HHS (Health Human Services) facility at a cost of a mere Ten Million dollars of your money. Lavishing that much of your money on our civil servants could keep Lynn in power for years to come.

The darker and more troubling question is this. With fifty million of your tax dollars up for grab, with slim pickings in Government Contracts, would Jail Supporters pick up the cost of Lynn’s campaign to assure her vote for the project?

In local elections, most voters never know or understand the issues confronting them. Most vote on name recognition. Fifty Grand will buy a lot of name recognition. The families of County employees may well supply the margin to keep Lynn spending your money for years to come.

Absolute power corrupts, absolutely. The circle is complete. The Patsy has become Queen, usurping power from a scandal weakened Bob Gustafson while leading Commissioner Robinson around by his nose ring.

As the ancient Emperor Vespasian looted the Temple of Jerusalem to build the famed Coliseum of Rome, Lynn seeks to leave her name on as many cornerstones as possible, thereby assuring her immortality for all eternity in Chisago County by looting the Temple of the Taxpayer.

(First in a series)


Anonymous said...

I have a question for those in the know. Is Gustafson supporting Don Taylor the land grabber?

Jonathan P. Glassel said...

I am not in the know.

Is Taylor the current mayor of Chisago?

I thought the land grabber was DuBois who is also running against Gustafson.

How was Taylor involved in the annexation of Wyoming Township?

It was my understanding that Taylor is from the annexed areas.

I look forward to your comments.

Thanks, Jon