Sunday, April 26, 2009

County Engineer’s Close Association to Robinson Could Cost His Job

Commissioner Robinson Moot Point for District Five
County Engineer’s Close Association to
Robinson Could Cost His Job
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel

In a special session scheduled for May 1, the new board will determine the fate of County Engineer Bill Malin. In a somewhat odd procedure, the County Board may appoint the current County Engineer to another four year term or may appoint a temporary replacement for a period of one year.

Malin's close association with Commissioner Robinson and former Commissioners Schultz and Gustafson does not sit well with a majority of the new board, fed up with the rampant cronyism exerted by the former board.

Malin presided over the rape of District Three Taxpayers, paving "cowpaths" in Rush City for Commissioner Mike Robinson at the expense of more traveled roads in South County. Malin's salary escalated to $109,000 annually under this "Good Old Boy" arraignment, costing taxpayers well over a half million dollars per term with perks and benefits.

Mike Robinson has no friends on the Board, having alienated everyone with his tantrums and outlandish behavior. Having Robinson in your corner is not a “plus” these days as Bill Malin may find out, shortly.

Robinson argues that Malin saves the County money with his contacts and ability to get “good deals,” as with last summer’s super asphalt buy for District 5 which cost taxpayers over $200,000.

You can expect innovation from this board. Walker, McMahon, Greene and Montzka are not opposed to wielding the budget ax. (Ask Sheriff Rivard) Look for a shakeup at the County Engineer's Office as the new Board reinvents Government.


Anonymous said...

What "cow paths" have been paved up north? Seems like the north end of the county has a lot more bumpy washboard roads than the south end, but then again, I suppose you already knew that, being the expert know it all of the world and all. How often are you up to the north end of the county to be able to make your conclusions?

Anonymous said...

I agree, roads up north are quite a bit worse than ours in the south half/Chisago Lakes area. They pay plenty of taxes in the North Branch, Harris, and Rush City areas. They should get new roads just like everyone else.

Paul said...

Us folks down south have been carrying the the folks in the north part of the County long enough. Anything north of North Branch is nothing but a drain on County resources. We foot the bill for police protection and a host of other programs. Enough is enough. Enjoy the roads you have, sit down and shut your pie holes.

Anonymous said...

Hey if the roads need fixing let's fix them. But come to your senses about if they are really USED enough to spend the money. Two cars a day is not a burdon. Everyone knows southern roads carry the most travelers to and from work in the cities and deterioriate quickly as a result. Heck northern folk use them too. The real question is how many southerners go north to use the roads they pay taxes for there?

Anonymous said...

Paul, since you appear to be a wealth of information, can you tell me if the cities of Harris and Rush City contract with the county for police protection? Last time I checked, they do. This means they pay to have county cars in their cities. Second of all, what are the "host of other programs" that you pay for in the north end of the county?

And for the next guy, have you ever even been to the north end of the county? There are a lot more than 2 cars that go on County Roads 1 & 2 daily. Those roads are always busy with traffic. Yet, the roads are so bumpy and terrible that they are unable to be plowed in the wintertime and cars cannot go much more than 40 MPH because they would get launched into the ditch. These roads are ridiculous.

Also, saying that south end people never go on north end roads, yet northerners always use south end roads is a little much wouldn't you say? Northern roads carry people to the cities too. There are plenty of people who commute to the cities from the northern half of the county. What do you think is at the end of some southern roads? There is no wall dividing the north half from the south. The roads keep going.

Not to mention, there is a lot of industry in the Rush City Industrial Park that has a lot of truck traffic as well as cars from people who commute to work there. These businesses pay a lot to the county in property taxes and other permits and fees. What happens when the county no longer gets their revenue because they have gone somewhere else because they could not get trucks in and out to ship their products?

Residents of the north end of the county are not asking for every field road or country road to be paved. We are just asking to maybe even things up between the south and the north a little more. We do drive and pay taxes just as the southern folks do. Why not give us a little bit of our tax dollars back on roads that we drive daily instead of some road in the south end of the county many people up here never heard of.

I believe that the total number of road construction projects in the county this year is around 60. Yet, only 2 are in the Harris/Rush City areas. Think about this. According to the running US Census population numbers, 19% of county residents live in these areas. Yet less than 4% of the road construction projects are where these 19% live. Looks as if the north end is getting shafted again.

Jonathan P. Glassel said...

Thanks for your comments, Lynn but why post anonymously?

As a former Chisago County Commissioner you (Lynn Schultz)have a wealth of data at your disposal and I think it is important for our readers to understand the source.

As "Malfeasant Mike's" (Commissioner Robinson's) only remaining friend, it is also important to understand why you stick up for him.

Anonymous said...

Jon people have talked about an "affair" between Mike Robinson and Lynn Schultz while they worked together. They are both married to other people. There was a rumor of a photograph of them kissing. Is there any truth to it.

Jonathan P. Glassel said...

I have not seen the picture. I would suggest that those who may possess the picture have too much class to use it.

I once offered a $500 reward for the picture with no response.

Bob Carter did not respond when I asked him about the picture.

Anonymous said...

A couple of politicians with a dirty little "sex secret". What a surprise! Reminds me of a former president.