LS Power Plant is a Good Deal for Lent Township, Chisago County
Project Deserves Public Support
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel
Project Deserves Public Support
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel
Who speaks for the uninformed?
As citizens of this country, it has always been assumed each and every one of us is responsible to learn the facts and develop a competent opinion regarding important issues affecting our friends and neighbors in the community.
In a recent, albeit unscientific poll, the Epitaph randomly phoned 10 residents of Chisago County. None of whom had ever heard of the project. While expressing no opposition to the LS Power, no one expressed a burning desire to learn more.
As Americans, we demand a lot from our government, our elected leaders and industry to be sure hot water is available for our morning shave and that we have a utility grid capable of supplying energy to ward off frostbite on a frigid Minnesota winter night.
The main purpose of LS Power’s proposed Lent power generating station is to provide electricity for peak demand periods, your early morning shave and keeping your butt unfroze in extremely cold weather.
This peak demand system developed by LS Power is ecologically friendly when compared to the burning of coal to achieve similiar results. Quite simply, coal fired plants cannot easily be turned on and off, as is feasible with a plant fired with fuel oil or natural gas.
Rick Olseen and Jeremy Kalin know this. They also know this plant will be built somewhere. It will be built in someone’s back yard, so why not reap the economic benefits for Chisago County.
Olseen and Kalin are to be applauded for their efforts to “bring home the bacon” to Chisago County. We count on these guys to get informed when we do not have the time or the desire to learn of such things.
The ball is now, or soon will be in Commissioners Court.
Commissioners Montzka, Greene, McMahon and Walker need to do the right thing, finish what Olseen and Kalin have started and fulfill their campaign promises of jobs and prosperity by “bringing the bacon” across the finish line for we, the uninformed.
I am adding a poll to in an attempt to gauge public sediment on this matter. Please vote only once. Thanks, Jon
If Lent Township approves and moves forward, how long will it be before Land Grabbin Don Taylor and Chisago City makes a move on annexing Lent?
My understanding is most will benfit will not be Minnesota but other states. Let them have this plant in their bck yard. Also jobs will be far and inbetween once the plant (heaven forbid) is up and running. Under 20 jobs. Not worth for myself or our neighbors. If Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin need the power then build it in their back yard, NOT ours.
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