The Prison Industrial Complex Wants You! In Jail!
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel
Throughout history, unscrupulous business persons have profited from the misery of others. For centuries, European traders amassed great fortunes in the slave trade.
When the British finally abolished slavery in 1840, these traders turned to the lucrative Opium Trade.
Britain and America actually went to war with China to insure wealthy Opium traders could profit from the addiction of millions of Chinese.
This Anglo American induced drug epidemic did not end until the Communist Revolution a hundred years later when the drug addicts were simply executed, taken out and shot.
In today’s world, The Prison Industrial Complex profits from the misery and forced incarceration of millions non violent Americans.
The Criminal Justice System is big business, not only in this country, but right here in Chisago County.
Many young people, old enough to vote, but not for drinking are jailed for underage consumption of alcohol, an offense that does not require jail time in Washington and other metropolitan counties.
The local Prison Industrial Complex places the young offender in a jail full of addicts, introducing them to drugs at an early age.
Through probation and other means, the young “offender,” is often returned to jail for further “indoctrination.”
The Prison Industrial Complex knows, if they can get you young, they will have a return customer for life.
Sad, but true.
Many Politicians pander to the people who vote, often leaving young voters, ages 18 to 30 with little clout in local government. This same age group will pay for the excesses of the Prison Industrial Complex, either in prison as a “customer,” or as a taxpayer.
If you vote, you will be noticed at the polls. Local politicians will take notice of this trend and you will get the political clout you deserve.
For the first time in decades, we have an opportunity to break the stranglehold of the Prison Industrial Complex in Chisago County.
The choice is clear. Karl Schreck is a pawn of the Prison Industrial Complex while Rick Duncan does not want to see you in jail.
Rick’s character is strong, his moral fiber is high. Rick has no desire to fill quotas or to make criminals out of ordinary citizens to keep the jails full.
I hope you will urge your friends to vote. Never think your vote doesn’t count. In a small community one vote can make a huge difference, for all of us.
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