Sunday, November 4, 2012

An Open Letter to Bob Barrett

To Bob Barrett,

Would you admonish Darrel Trulson, your campaign manager if he had "humped" the leg of one of his male children?"

Silence is consent. You have received all of the documentation concerning the pervert, Darrel Trulson, yet you do not respond.

As such, it appears that the leadership of the local Republican Party is intent upon changing "God's Own Party" (GOP) into a

"Group of Perverts."

As a reporter, I hear a lot of things from a lot of people.

Party leaders meeting with their mistresses out of town at GOP expense.

A child molesting pervert (in my humble opinion), your campaign manager having a sexual relationship with the head of your Republican Executive Committee.

At least she is a girl of legal age.

But then again, if your not planning on getting married, it's really not premarital sex, is it?

Bob, I would like to know if this is the example your party seeks to set for young Republicans?

As for the rank and file Republicans who support you with donations of their hard earned money, you require appropriate family values, if they are to be included with you and your "Group of Perverts."

Sean and yourself seem to turn a blind eye to the behavior of those striving to get you reelected.

I suppose it is all about winning. Doing the right thing takes courage.

If Darrel is elected, I am not sure how effective a leader he will be. I don't think he will have the desired effect you and the other "Group of Perverts" have in mind.

I am hearing that the other board members will refuse to sit next to the pervert, perhaps concerned Darrel will try to "hump" their leg, as well.

So, with Darrel sitting in corner all by himself, choking his squirrel, how can he build the new jail and government center planned by Lynn Schultz, Peter Schaps and the Tea Party? How will he be able to stop abortion in Chisago County while forcing everyone to attend church on Sunday morning? Without support from the other Commissioners.

If you are reelected, I am not sure how effective you will be as Darrel's story breaks statewide, possibly nationwide after the election.

So, back to the question at hand, "Would you admonish Darrel if he had "humped" the leg of one of his male children?"

Thanks for you timely response. Jon

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