Monday, March 31, 2008

Ethanol is Nasty Business--So is the Iraq War

From my idealistic Republican perspective,

I would like to think the war in Iraq is about freedom for the Iraqi people.

Adding 26 million people to a world of free thought and expression would be a remarkable achievement. An achievement not possible without the sacrifice of 4,000 of our nation's son and daughters.

Quite frankly, the reality of the situation is this simple: We sacrifice our sons and daughters to stabilize our supply of cheap, foreign oil.

I think about this every time I fill my tank. I think about a better way to power our country and our way of life.

Ethanol from corn is inefficient at best. But it is a start. If we can grow our own fuel, our money stays in this country, rather than sent off to Saudi Arabia. We are talking billions and billions of dollars for investment and jobs in this country.

Ethanol technology will advance. Other, more efficient crops will be converted to fuel. We can still drive our cars and maybe, just maybe that young person now driving a tank in Iraq will come home to drive a John Deere tractor, harvesting sugar beets in Western Minnesota.

First in A Series

Thanks, Jon


Anonymous said...

"Quite frankly, the reality of the situation is this simple: We sacrifice our sons and daughters to stabilize our supply of cheap, foreign oil."

Which is, of course, why gas is so cheap these days.

Is there room in your simplistic thinking for the fact that, had we wanted Iraqi oil, all we had to do was lift the sanctions?

Is there room in your simplistic thinking for the fact that ethanol (regardless of where it comes from), does little to reduce ( and in fact increases in many cases) emissions?

How about for that fact that ethanol is putting great strain on global food stores? Or that it couldn't survive without massive subsidies?

You should rethink that "Republican" thing. Your posts indicate that you are a typical, simplistic, knee-jerk liberal. Why fight it? Weak-kneed reactionaries like you the party could do without.


The real anonymous

Anonymous said...

Here's Jonathan P. Glassel:

bonnie and her husband run a ilegal buisiness under the name "anything goes salvage and thrift they do not pay taxes and advertise and portray they are a non-profit organization taking donations and giving tax deductions and are not registered as a legal buisiness in any way that is nessecary to operate like they do they have had at least two other locations before being evicted along with the two current ones they do have now

bonnie has had three employees at one of the former locations and did not pay any taxes or anything on wages, they also have not payed all the wages due to the three former employees they are all owed at least $2000.00 ++++ and also due to their negligence has almost killed one of the employees when the employee was in an explosion on while working and put in the hospital for 6 months. jon is doing recycling and storing hazerdous materials -batteries and freon among others with any licenses or permits not disposing of chemicals properly, they don't register their vehicles and dl's correctly bonnie lives in WI and still renews her MN plates on her mini van


Anonymous said...

How interesting. You are quoted at this site saying this:

You have been duly notified. You may retract your statements immediately. If you choose not to do so, Jonathan P. Glassel and Bonnie K. Glassel will have no recourse other than litigation.

Let's see if I got this straight. You actively libel people at his very site, but have the gall to threaten to sue others for their supposed libel of you. One might think you would be a little more sensitive to smearing people online.

I guess we can add hypocrite to the sordid laundry list of things we have already affirmed you are.

Jonathan P. Glassel said...

Who, exactly have I libeled?


Anonymous said...

Accusing Commissioner Robinson of having been charged with a DWI is demonstrably false. You know it. I know it.

That is libel, as if you didn't know.

Anonymous said...

jon stay on them everyone is a street lawyer on the net. tell them you have jack prescott on retainer and to have a nice day


Anonymous said...

One need not be an attorney, but only have the capacity to read. Here's a summary of defamation law in Minnesota.

Of interest to Jon might be the section on public officials:

"The First Amendment requires that a defamation plaintiff prove actual malice or reckless disregard of the truth when the plaintiff is a public official or public figure. New York Times v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964)."

Certainly, with Jon's knowledge of the inner workings of the court system, the truth of the matter would be easy for him to find. He certainly knows he can search a database of DWI charges for the entire state of Minnesota. That's how I found out about his perjury and harassment problems.

As his goal is to defame, in a quite cruel and personal way, I think persons would have an excellent chance of proving malice.

Of course, this is all legal semantics. Jon knows perfectly well that he has been engaged in libelous activity, whether a legal case could be proven or not. He simply doesn't care.

Way to enable him though JK, that's great. If you were a friend you would advice him that his behavior is loathsome and damaging, and needed to stop. Instead you are a brain dead cheerleader.

Why am I not surprised?

By the way, Jack Prescott is a bankruptcy attorney. I hope Jon doesn't intend to rely on YOU for legal advice. He'll just wind up in more trouble than he is already in. Judging by his record and trail of tears, he doesn't really need more trouble.

I can't wait to see the upcoming political campaign. Some possible slogans:

"I've lied in court, but I'll never lie to you."

"You can count on me to harass tax and spenders into submission."

"We need to get rid of chemicals harmful to the planet. I propose to bury them on my property."

"My neglect started a fire. Elect me and I will light a fire under Chisago County."

Commissioner Gustafson can only hope Jon follows through. It will be his easiest re-election ever.
