Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lora Walker For The People

Jobs Before Jails, People Before Pork!
District One Voters to Determine Fate of New Jail
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel

When it comes right down to the “nut cutting,” Corruption, Cronyism, Good Old Boy Politics and Greed have landed this country in its current economic crisis.

Once again, the many will pay for the greed of a select few individuals corrupted by the power of their position.

The former head of Fannie Mae, a Clinton Crony, extracted 90 million dollars in salary and bonus during his six year tenure.

During the past few years, millions more were passed out to many powerful Senators and Congress Persons to assure the Federal Government would not clamp down upon their “Porkfest.”

The bill has come due, the party is over, and once again, you the taxpayer, pay for the Corruption, Cronyism and Good Old Boy Politics so prevalent in this country.

It is difficult for voters to comprehend the extent of the Corruption, Cronyism, Good Old Boy Politics and Greed in our local community, and how much it costs us.

Perhaps it is not “Minnesota Nice” to think our local elected leaders would “shaft” us in this manner.

However, it stands to reason the “crooks” in Washington learned their “trade” somewhere.

Recently, the Mayor of a local municipality and several local business persons purchased a piece of property in a neighboring township.

Using the power invested in him by the people, the Mayor annexed this property to the city, ran water and sewer to this property at the expense of the taxpayer, thereby increasing its property value many times over.

When their “Porkfest” was uncovered, the Mayor was forced to divest himself of financial interest in the project, an obvious conflict of interest.

Yet even today, the now former Mayor’s real estate sign adorns the property, while taxpayers make the bond payments for the water and sewer improvements.

Who we elect to local political office may be more important than those we elect to State or Federal Office. If the next president screws up, we will hear about it on the evening news, while local officials continue to shaft us in a virtual media blackout or perhaps we have just become immune to news of local corruption.

The most common defense of one local politician goes something like this, “Others have done worse.”

We want accountability from those we send to Washington, we should demand accountability from local politicians as well.

We live in a time of economic uncertainty. Our world has changed drastically in the past month or so. Good Old Boy Politicians and their cronies have landed this country on bankruptcy’s doorstep.

It is time for reform. It is time to rethink where our county and country are headed.

Tax freedom day is May 15. The average person works 5 ½ months out of every year to pay taxes of every sort, income, sales, highway use and a great many others.

Every election we hear of the need to return to traditional family values. Nice thought, but the average family wage earners bust butt just to pay taxes, leaving scarce time, energy and resources available for quality family time.

Lynn Schultz (Lynn-Schultz) and Sheriff Rivard contend the new jail will only cost the average resident of Chisago County about $500 a year. Wishful thinking, if not out right deceptive.

Let us assume for a moment that you spent that same $500 taking your kids or grandkids on a camping trip. Let us also assume that during this quiet and relaxing time, you spoke to the youngsters about drugs and other dangers facing young adults.

If our kids never get hooked on drugs, never go to “Pharm Parties,” and safely experiment with alcohol, we don’t need a new jail to punish them.

Local Government should embrace the Wayne Gretsky theory. Rather than chase the puck, we should let the puck come to us. We need to step back, figure out where the puck is going and be there to catch it.

We need leaders capable of thinking outside the box. Leaders who care about our kids. Leaders who have displayed conservative frugality with our tax dollars. Leaders like Lora Walker.

Let’s return Lora Walker to the County Board.

Get the facts for yourself, call Lora at 651-462-9308.

A “Minnesota Nice” sympathy vote for Commissioner Schultz may leave you feeling “Minnesota Stupid” when you open next year’s property tax statement.

Elect Lora WalkerCounty Commissioner

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Epitaph Offers Reward

Commissioner Robinson Refuses Comment on Drunk Driving Question
And Why it Matters
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel

Chisago County Commissioner Mike Robinson is an over the road truck driver. A truck driver with a DUI or DWI on his record is an unemployed truck driver.

For reasons unknown, during the summer of 2006, Commissioner Robinson was inexplicably chauffeured to all county events. Events to which he normally drives himself. Two to three weeks later, just as inexplicably, Robinson resumed driving.

When asked by a supporter, Robinson reportedly replied, "I'd rather not talk about it, but I quit drinking."

By his own admission, Mike Robinson is an alcoholic and reformed drug user.

Mike Robinson is an abuser. Mike Robinson abuses alcohol. Mike Robinson abused drugs and Mike Robinson abuses his position as County Commissioner.

Mike Robinson routinely abuses the power of his office and Mike Robinson abuses the trust we have placed in him.

Sheriff Rivard has confirmed Robinson was stalking Lora Walker a full three years after Walker was defeated by current Chisago County Commissioner Lynn Schultz.

Quite frankly, Commissioner Mike Robinson is a bully. In Mike’s world, you are either friend, foe or terrified.

Robinson is convinced his enemies possess a picture of himself and Commissioner Schultz in a “compromising” position. Whether or not this picture actually exists is unimportant.

The fact that Chisago County Commissioners Mike Robinson and Lynn Schultz think it (the photograph) exists is alarming to say the least.

Robinson believes his political enemies possess this compromising photo and seeks to terrorize them into submission.

Robinson’s most common threat goes something like this “I will do to you what I did to (Bob) Carter’s family.”

It is not clear what Robinson did to Carter’s family, if anything. Perhaps in his own paranoid and delusional state, Robinson feels the 2,692 votes garnered in the last election gives him some sort of “Godfather” like power over his opponents. Perhaps Carter woke up with the head of his favorite race horse.

Back to the DWI issue and why it is important. Only a Judge could force Robinson to stop driving by temporarily suspending Mike’s license, indicating the possibility of a cover up as no official records exist.

Sheriff Rivard denies knowledge, yet an arresting officer, a Judge and Mike’s chauffeurs would have knowledge if any sort of drunken driving actually occurred. Which raises the question of who has whom by the testicles.

Two years after the event, a police officer or a judge involved in a cover up would be just as vulnerable as Robinson to extortion.

A forty million dollar jail looms in our future. It is likely that Robinson, Schultz and Gustafson will approve the issue shortly after the fall elections. Perhaps we do need a new jail. However, it would be nice to know we are building this new facility from necessity rather than political extortion.

And that is why Mike should answer this simple question, “Did you or have you, while in office as County Commissioner ever been arrested or received any sort of ticket for Drunken Driving, anywhere?”

Publishers Note: The Epitaph will pay a cash reward of $1,000 for the photograph mentioned in the above story. If you have solid information regarding Commissioner Robinson’s driving, you can email in confidence to

Thursday, October 16, 2008

These Guys Don’t “Suck”

Elect Bob Carter
Re-Elect Jeremy Kalin,
These Guys Don’t “Suck”
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel

Don’t get your undies in bunch or your panties in a wad.

The term “Sucks,” in its original context has no sexual connotations.

Predating the Napoleonic Wars, stemming from our own American Revolution, the term was originally meant to say sucking air or sucking wind, as with the wheezing sound made when a soldier took a musket ball to the lung. Lying, dieing on the battlefield, the warriors of old would hear the wheezing sound emanating from their lung and say, “that sucks, that really sucks.”

When you get the bill for Mike Robinson’s new jail, after you faint dead away, lying on flat on your back, in shock, you may find yourself uttering the same words, “that sucks, that really sucks.”

Forty Million Dollars ain’t much, if you say it fast.

You will get the bill for all the fiscal irresponsibility floating around Washington and Wall Street, can you really afford another 40 million?

Robinson and Rivard need to get realistic about the funds you have available to support a project of this magnitude.

Quite frankly, we need jobs before jails.

I met Jeremy Kalin shortly after his stunning election victory two years ago.

Jeremy was speaking to the County Board about bringing industry and jobs to Chisago County.
As could be expected, Mike Robinson and the Republican controlled Board were less than enthusiastic about Jeremy’s comments.

I, however, was impressed by the honesty of Jeremy’s naivety.

The local GOP leadership is rich and they represent rich people. They do not want Chisago County cluttered with businesses creating jobs for less than rich people. Jeremy was simply wasting his time. His words fell on deaf Republican ears.

Jeremy has worked hard for the folks of Chisago County. Jeremy understands that we are in tough times.

High gas prices mean we need jobs at home. Jobs in Rush City mean more family time.

More family time will keep our kids off drugs. If our kids aren’t on drugs, we don’t need to build a forty million dollar jail.

Bob Carter is the nicest guy you will ever meet. Bob Carter cares about you and your family.

Bob has not asked for my endorsement, nor is he associated in any way with this newspaper.

I support Bob Carter for Commissioner because Bob feels your pain. Bob wants to help you and Chisago County survive our country’s current financial crisis.

Bob Carter will provide honest, accountable representation for District Five.

You deserve better. Chisago County needs Bob Carter.

Get the facts for yourself, call Bob Carter at 651-674-8790.

Land Grabbin’ Don Taylor and Mike Robinson
Men About Town
Story by Uncle Lars Bob

Land Grabbin’ Don Taylor called Mike Robinson into his office in Chisago City one day and said, "Mike, I have a great idea! I know how we can win back the hearts and minds of Rush City, secure my victory over Kalin this fall so I can annex Wisconsin and you can beat the snot out of Carter."

“Here’s what we do, we'll go down to the Wal-Mart, get some cheezy clothes and shoes like most Rush Citians wear, and then we'll stop at the pound and pick up a Labrador. When we look the part, we'll go to a local bar and show them that we really enjoy the town, and show admiration and respect for the hard working people living there."

A few days later, all decked out and with the requisite Labrador at heel, they set off for Rush City. With the dog in tow, they walk into a local bar. When they stepped up to the counter, the bartender takes a step back and says, "Aren't you Land Grabbin’ Don Taylor and Commissioner Mike Robinson?"

"Yes we are," says Taylor, "and what a lovely restaurant you have here. We were just passing through and Commissioner Robinson suggested we stop and take in some local color."

They then order a couple of beers and proceed to drink them down, all the while, chatting up a storm with anyone who would listen.

All of a sudden... the bar door opens and a grizzled old farmer comes in. He walks up to the Labrador, lifts its tail, and looks underneath, shrugs his shoulders and walks out the door.

A few moments later, in comes another old farmer... walks up to the dog, lifts its tail, looks underneath, scratches his head and then leaves the bar.

Over the course of the next hour or so, another four or five farmers came in, lifted the dog's tail, and went away looking puzzled.

Eventually Taylor and Robinson could stand it no longer and called the bartender over.

"Tell me", says Land Grabbin’ Don Taylor, "why did all those old farmers come in and look under the dog's tail like that? Is it some sort of quaint old Rush City custom?"

"Good Lord no", says the bartender, "Its just that someone had told them there was a Labrador in the bar with two assholes."

A “Minnesota Nice” Sympathy Vote for Mike Robinson Could leave you feeling “Minnesota Stupid” when you get next year’s property tax bill.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

It’s Time to Forgive Lora Walker

It’s Time to Forgive
Lora Walker
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel

Well funded jail supporters propelled Chisago County District One Commissioner Lynn Schultz into the General Election with shouts of “Remember the Libraries,” reviving a long dead issue which prompted some folks to cast votes against Lora Walker rather than for Lynn Schultz.

The library issue was far more complicated than Schultz and her jail house cronies are capable of comprehending. Lora made a decision she felt was appropriate when all factors were considered. Right, wrong or indifferent, land was donated and the Libraries have been built. We have brick and mortar that cost us 6.7 million dollars.

It should be noted for the record that due process was followed and public meetings were held, as required by law.

On the other hand, Commissioner Schultz and her Jail House cronies have already spent $6,000,000 toward the jail with nothing to show for it, except over priced real estate and debt contracted on behalf of the taxpayer. The first shovel of dirt has yet to be turned and we are already in debt with staggering costs to follow.

Haven’t heard about the new jail? Don’t feel like the Lone Ranger. Of the 50,000 residents in Chisago County, 95% are totally unaware of the $40,000,000 jail project planned by Schultz and her jail house cronies.

Chisago County pays about $800,000 a year to house inmates in surrounding counties. This is the crux of Sheriff Rivard’s argument for a $40,000,000 jail to be named in his honor. Annual operating costs of the new jail are projected to be $2,800,000 or about 10% of the current levy collected from property owners. Jail operating costs must come from the general property tax levy and cannot be bonded. The State Legislature has capped levy increases at 3.9% which means other services and county jobs must be cut or new tax revenue found in order to pay the expected operating costs of the new jail.

To cover the cost of the jail itself, you can expect your property taxes to increase by about 30%. In 3 1/2 years, your property taxes will double. Shultz and her jail house cronies seek to cram this thing up the taxpayers behind with little notice or debate.

Lora Walker believes a mandate from the taxpayers, those directly paying for this project, is a necessity. Lora wants you to have a say in how you are taxed and seeks “bang for your buck” on every tax dollar collected and spent.

As with the libraries, the District One Commissioner will be the “swing vote.” At this point, Commissioners Montzka and Green stand opposed to the jail as presently planned. Commissioners Gustafson, Robinson and Schultz favor the $40,000,000 jail. Walker’s election will send the project to a public referendum with support from Green and Montzka. Unlike school referendums, jail referendum’s rarely pass as taxpayers understand one simple fact, better schools provide a return on investment with better educated kids that become taxpayers. Jails, on the other hand provide no such “bang for the buck.”

If we continue to punish Lora for past sins, we cut off our collective nose to spite our face. Lora has evolved and learned from her mistakes.

The fate of large Public Works Projects like libraries and jails must be decided by the taxpayers. Get the facts for yourself, call Lora at 651-462-9308. Call Commissioner Schultz at 651-583-2657.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tax and Spend Schultz

“Tax and Spend Schultz”
Lynn’s Loophole, Sticks “it” to Rural Property Owners!

The Legislature Giveth, The Legislature Taketh Away!
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel

For Chisago County Commissioners Lynn Schultz and Bob Gustafson, news of the 3.9% cap on property tax increases enacted by the Minnesota State Legislature was like a punch in the gut, knocking the wind from their tax and spend sails.

Most of us saw this cap as a message from the Legislature to the County Boards to get their spending in line and live within the means of the taxpayers. Most saw this cap as a blessing. The Legislature was finally moving to eliminate wasteful government spending at the County level.

Gustafson’s response was quick and natural, “What right does the Legislature have in telling us (The Commissioners) what we can or cannot do.” Schultz concurred and sought to find a “Loop Hole.”

Though Chisago County Commissioner Lynn Schultz and the County Board have known for some time about revisions to the Green Acres tax code that affect many property owners in Franconia, Lent and North Chisago Lakes townships, Commissioner Schultz sat on the information until the week end before the September Primary, not wishing for the news to become a campaign issue.

A good friend from Franconia, an arch conservative and Lora Walker supporter often describes democracy as the right of the many to take money from the few. We do this by electing a legislature to redistribute wealth. The object being to take money from those who have too much and pass it out to others. In a sense, getting someone else to “tote your water” for you.

These Green Acre revisions, this Tax Increase, which places monumental penalties on unproductive farm land, is so brutally unfair to farmers, I doubt any city dweller, the ultimate beneficiary of this hideous burden placed on our rural community, would approve.

However, for Tax and Spend Schultz and her Jail House Cronies, it is a “God Send”, a way to fund the massive operating costs of the proposed jail by inflicting a tremendous tax burden on our local farmers and ranchers. Though hardly wealthy, farmers will be forced to pay for the Corruption, Cronyism and Good Old Boy Politics of the current Board.

Get the facts for yourself, call Lora at 651-462-9308. Call Commissioner Schultz at 651-583-2657.

A “Minnesota Nice” sympathy vote for Commissioner Schultz may leave you feeling “Minnesota Stupid” when you open next year’s property tax statement.