Sunday, March 8, 2009

Commissioner Robinson Remains Silent

Chisago County Commissioner Mike Robinson Refuses Comment on Stalking Incident

The Epitaph posed the following questions to Chisago County Commissioner Micheal Dean Robinson of Rush City, Minnesota:

Dear Sir:

A report received from the Forest Lake Police Department indicates that you harassed and made terrorist threats against Lora Walker and her family. The Police report dated November 20, 2007 indicates the incident occurred at Cub Foods in Forest Lake.

You have made similar terrorist threats to Commissioner Montzka, Mark Oberg, Bob Carter and myself.

Sheriff Rivard was part and parcel to your harassment of myself at the Commissioner Candidate's Forum at the Swedish Village Inn in August of 2008.

I am curious, sir as to how you could have known Ms. Walker would be shopping at Cub Foods at that exact moment in time?

Would surveillance video indicate that you were shopping for a turkey?

Did you wait days on end, lurking about Cub Foods waiting for Ms. Walker? or did Chisago County Sheriff Todd Rivard determine Ms. Walker's itinerary by listening in on her cell phone conversations and relay that information to you?

Was the purpose of your harassment to dissuade Ms. Walker from seeking election to Lynn Schultz's seat on the County Board?

It is my personal opinion that Sheriff Rivard is "covering up" a drunk driving infraction for you, based on your refusal to answer previous questions that I have submitted and further based on Rivard's unconvincing denial when I posed the same question to him.

Certainly, I would like to hear your side of the story.

Sincerely, Jonathan P. Glassel South County Epitaph