Sunday, September 23, 2012

Local GOP Trying to Buy Chisago County County Commissioner Seat

Letter to the Editor

One of the best things about our local governments is that the dysfunction of party politics doesn’t muck up our local board rooms like it does at the State Capital.

Chisago County commissioners have always been a nonpartisan public service office, meaning that our commissioners are loyal to the taxpayers of our county, not to any political party agenda; at least they haven’t been, up to now.

Our local Republican Party has thrown their full support behind one candidate for county commissioner, Darrel Trulson.

They have provided him with financial, physical and strategic support in his pursuit of this office.

It seems to me like the (local Chisago County) Republican Party is trying to buy this seat on our County Board, and I can’t help but wonder why they would do this for a nonpartisan office.

What kind of influence are they trying to buy?

What kind of debt will Darrel Trulson have to the Republican Party if he is elected?

I think these are all valid question that we need to ask ourselves, along with the most important question: Do you want to be bought, or do you want to be served by our Chisago County commissioners?

Cindy Erickson
North Branch