Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lora Walker For The People

Jobs Before Jails, People Before Pork!
District One Voters to Determine Fate of New Jail
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel

When it comes right down to the “nut cutting,” Corruption, Cronyism, Good Old Boy Politics and Greed have landed this country in its current economic crisis.

Once again, the many will pay for the greed of a select few individuals corrupted by the power of their position.

The former head of Fannie Mae, a Clinton Crony, extracted 90 million dollars in salary and bonus during his six year tenure.

During the past few years, millions more were passed out to many powerful Senators and Congress Persons to assure the Federal Government would not clamp down upon their “Porkfest.”

The bill has come due, the party is over, and once again, you the taxpayer, pay for the Corruption, Cronyism and Good Old Boy Politics so prevalent in this country.

It is difficult for voters to comprehend the extent of the Corruption, Cronyism, Good Old Boy Politics and Greed in our local community, and how much it costs us.

Perhaps it is not “Minnesota Nice” to think our local elected leaders would “shaft” us in this manner.

However, it stands to reason the “crooks” in Washington learned their “trade” somewhere.

Recently, the Mayor of a local municipality and several local business persons purchased a piece of property in a neighboring township.

Using the power invested in him by the people, the Mayor annexed this property to the city, ran water and sewer to this property at the expense of the taxpayer, thereby increasing its property value many times over.

When their “Porkfest” was uncovered, the Mayor was forced to divest himself of financial interest in the project, an obvious conflict of interest.

Yet even today, the now former Mayor’s real estate sign adorns the property, while taxpayers make the bond payments for the water and sewer improvements.

Who we elect to local political office may be more important than those we elect to State or Federal Office. If the next president screws up, we will hear about it on the evening news, while local officials continue to shaft us in a virtual media blackout or perhaps we have just become immune to news of local corruption.

The most common defense of one local politician goes something like this, “Others have done worse.”

We want accountability from those we send to Washington, we should demand accountability from local politicians as well.

We live in a time of economic uncertainty. Our world has changed drastically in the past month or so. Good Old Boy Politicians and their cronies have landed this country on bankruptcy’s doorstep.

It is time for reform. It is time to rethink where our county and country are headed.

Tax freedom day is May 15. The average person works 5 ½ months out of every year to pay taxes of every sort, income, sales, highway use and a great many others.

Every election we hear of the need to return to traditional family values. Nice thought, but the average family wage earners bust butt just to pay taxes, leaving scarce time, energy and resources available for quality family time.

Lynn Schultz (Lynn-Schultz) and Sheriff Rivard contend the new jail will only cost the average resident of Chisago County about $500 a year. Wishful thinking, if not out right deceptive.

Let us assume for a moment that you spent that same $500 taking your kids or grandkids on a camping trip. Let us also assume that during this quiet and relaxing time, you spoke to the youngsters about drugs and other dangers facing young adults.

If our kids never get hooked on drugs, never go to “Pharm Parties,” and safely experiment with alcohol, we don’t need a new jail to punish them.

Local Government should embrace the Wayne Gretsky theory. Rather than chase the puck, we should let the puck come to us. We need to step back, figure out where the puck is going and be there to catch it.

We need leaders capable of thinking outside the box. Leaders who care about our kids. Leaders who have displayed conservative frugality with our tax dollars. Leaders like Lora Walker.

Let’s return Lora Walker to the County Board.

Get the facts for yourself, call Lora at 651-462-9308.

A “Minnesota Nice” sympathy vote for Commissioner Schultz may leave you feeling “Minnesota Stupid” when you open next year’s property tax statement.

Elect Lora WalkerCounty Commissioner