Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Robinson Admits to Lying about Phone Records

Commissioner Robinson
Admits to Lying about Phone Records!
Opinion and Political Commentary by Jonathan P. Glassel

The 2008 Election brought the defeat of Commissioners Bob Gustafson and Lynn Schultz, stalwart allies of Commissioner Robinson. Together, they had ruled Chisago County for four long years. Of this troika, only Robinson kept his job, though he is reduced to relatively moot point on the current Board.“Odd man out,” as it were.

Mike rarely takes responsibility for his own actions and blames his loss of power on sitting Commissioners, Lora Walker and Ben Montzka who Mike believes are responsible for the defeat of his very close friend, Lynn Schultz.

Ever since the election, Robinson has maintained and has stated publically that he is in possession of Ben Montzka’s phone records. Records that will supposedly prove Robinson’s conspiracy theory.

Obtaining phone records, by law requires a court order, leaving many to doubt the veracity of Robinson’s oft stated claim.

Ben Montzka is an Attorney. As such, his phone calls with clients are confidential and privileged. After two years of hearing Robinson’s claim, Montzka was forced act in the interest of his clients.

In a Complaint filed on August 11, 2010 Montzka requested the Sheriff’s Department investigate claims made by Robinson at 31325 Oasis Road in Center City in the presence of Commissioner Rick Green and others during a meeting at the County Maintenance Building.

According to Initial Complaint Report, Sergeant Armistead investigated the matter and was informed by Montzka’s land line carrier “that they do not see anything in their records that indicated anybody had requested this information.”

Montzka’s cell phone provider was not so forthcoming, requiring a court order to see if his (Montzka’s) phone records had been accessed.

Predictably (due to Robinson’s close association with County Attorney Janet Reiter) the County Attorney’s Office stonewalled Sergeant Armistead’s efforts to confirm or deny the validity of Robinson’s claim, leading to speculation that former Sheriff Todd (J. Edgar) Rivard may have supplied the records to Robinson. So,

Which Lie is the Real Lie?

In a telephone interview with Commissioner Robinson, Armistead reports “that he (Robinson) made a comment about phone records showing that he (Montzka) has been in contact with Laura (Lora Walker).”

Later in the report, Armistead states: “Robinson admitted to me that he (Robinson) had only said that (about the phone records) basically to get a rise out of Bennett Montzka”.

Apparently, “getting a rise” out of Commissioner Walker requires different tactics.

According to a Forest Lake Police report dated November 20, 2007 Robinson confronted Lora Walker at Cub Foods in Forest Lake and allegedly stated that he would harm her and her family.

Presumably, private citizen Lora (not a Commissioner at that time) Walker was shopping for her family’s Thanksgiving Dinner. Robinson, not pushing a shopping cart was clearly there to harass Walker, perhaps to intimidate her from running against Lynn Schultz in 2008.

Ultimately, Walker showed her grit, guts and determination by running against and defeating Shultz in the 2008 General Election and now sits across the table from Robinson at every Board meeting.

It is difficult to fathom how Robinson could have known Walker was going to be at Cub at that particular point in time.

Did Robinson lurk about the Cub store for days on end, waiting for his chance to accost Walker?

Shultz is known to shop at Cub and could have relayed that information to Robinson, but the exact time would be difficult for any stalker to pin down.

This question has been posed to Robinson. Robinson’s continued silence leads to speculation that others were involved.

It’s not hard to see why Robinson is disliked by other Board members.

Robinson’s bullying and issuing of terroristic threats to other members of the Board have created an atmosphere of tension and animosity.

After the incident at the County maintenance facility, Robinson’s committee assignments requiring a second commissioner were cancelled.

No one wants to be in the same room with a constantly overbearing, confrontational and belligerent counterpart. No one is going to knuckle under to Mike.

This situation is not beneficial to the citizens of District 5.

Clearly, Commissioner Mike Robinson is out of control and his behavior can no longer be tolerated.

Of course, Commissioner Robinson will tell you that what you have just read is a lie.

I Would Lie to You for your Vote, and that is the Truth!

Denise Martin Chisago County Press, Mary Helen Swanson North Branch ECM Post Review, Johanna Puelston Isanti Chisago County Star who writes written in cowardly anonymity
Tim Okeefe or his wife FishLakeKarpa