Wednesday, May 28, 2008

County Government Must Learn to Live Within Your Means!

County Government Must Learn to Live Within Your Means!
As Voter Apathy Turns to Taxpayer Rage, Glassel Calls for Moratorium on Levy Increases

Largely to protect Government Officials from the wrath of their own constituents, The State of Minnesota has enacted a terrorist threat law.

Taxpayers are urged not to use words like “lynch,” “mob” and “Courthouse” in the same sentence.

Oddly enough, punching someone in the stomach is fifth degree assault (a misdemeanor) while colorful metaphors levied against public officials could result in felony charges.

Certainly, taxpayers should remain civil and courteous toward those officials that openly misappropriate, steal and waste your tax dollars.

We are in a recession, a fact that seems oblivious to those in power. Levy increases of your property tax continue as though we were still living in the high times.

Young families are losing their homes to foreclosure at a record pace, while those in power, the ruling troika of Commissioners Shultz, Robinson and Gustafson continue a wild tax and spending spree at your expense.

Chisago County is at a crossroad. It is time for independent and free thinking leadership, unrestrained by the elitist power brokers that currently run our community.

We must look to our greatest resource, the citizens of Chisago County for input and solutions to our problems. We must engage in an open and honest debate about the future of our home.

We cannot allow the corruption, cronyism and “Good Ole Boy” politics of the present board to continue.

You can do something about it! Vote for Glassel!