Thursday, April 3, 2008

Can someone help me get this thing on the search engines?

Thanks, Jon


Anonymous said...

Actually it's very easy. All you have to do is...

On second thought, I'd rather poke red hot steel into my eye.

Jonathan P. Glassel said...

I'm curious about one of your first posts.

Why would anyone google commissioner Mike Robinson, Drunk driving?


Anonymous said...

I never said someone would Google it.

I accused you of putting the two terms together in a slimy attempt to create such a search, which would then result, in your tiny mind, in driving traffic to your blog.

Obviously I (or you) drastically overestimated your grasp of the internet, blogs, and search engines.

It restores my faith in cosmic justice.

Anonymous said...

Robinson is done in November.

The opponant has been chosen and the end is near for the old catchers mit.

If your going to Vegas lay money on it!

Jonathan P. Glassel said...

Knuckles, thanks for your comments. I would like to write a story about Robinson's rival. Can you provide details?

Anonymous, can you reveal the identity of Montzka's alleged sock puppets?

You have alleged Montzka starts rumors about Robinson, why would he do so?

Robinson's rumored DWI took place in July, 2006, yet Robinson has only been sober for about 4 months, indicating the July, 2006 event or nonevent was not the trigger of his alleged rehabilitation.

Is it possible Robinson got a second and more recent DWI, which did trigger his newfound sobriety?


Anonymous said...

George McMahon will take Robinson out this fall. Here's a guy who will represent the dist with dignity and honor.