Monday, September 15, 2008

Bonnie Glassel Demands Apology From Dreckman

Bonnie Glassel Demands Apology From Dreckman
Malicious Slander of a Public Personality Cited
As a result of malicious slander leveled against her husband, former Chisago County Commissioner candiate Jonathan P. Glassel just days before the Primary Election, Bonnie Broecker Glassel has sent the following letter to Kristy Dreckman, owner and operator of Croix Valley Pick Up.
From: Bonnie Broecker Glassel
2411 County Line Ave
New Richmond, WI 54017

To: Kristy Dreckman
9994 292nd Street
Chisago City, MN 55013
( 651) 257-6316.

September 15, 2008

Ms. Dreckman,

It has come to my attention that you have embarked upon an intentional and malicious campaign to slander my husband, Jonathan P. Glassel. By doing so, you have defamed my children, my family and have deeply embarrassed my elderly parents. You will be held accountable for your actions.

It has been reported that you, Kristy Dreckman, have falsely accused my husband of stalking you, sending pornographic emails to you and you have falsely reported to have a protective order against my husband.

As you know, my husband has never met you face to face, although he did have several telephone conversations with you, regarding business matters some four to five years ago.

If you wish to avoid litigation, you will set the record straight, make public apology to my husband, my family, my parents and the people of Chisago County.

Rest assured, I will clear my husband’s name.

It is obvious from the timing of your malicious attack on my husband, that politics played a part in your malicious attack and slander of my husband.

I feel your attack on my husband may have been motivated by Lynn Schultz, Mike Robinson and/or Bob Gustafson. The fact that you were induced to slander my husband does not relieve you of financial responsibility for your slander.

As part of your apology, assuming inducement by others, you will name those involved in this conspiracy to slander my husband and family.

You have 48 hours to respond or I will file litigation in the appropriate court.

A copy of this letter will be sent to Bruce Johnson, your last known Attorney of Record.

Bonnie Broecker Glassel

Venue in this matter may be Wisconson, where the Glassel's currently reside. Wisconsin law allows the jury to award punitive damages when malice is involved.
In other words, though actual damages may be unknown, a jury could award punitive damages to the Glassels since this alleged act by Dreckman is clearly malicious.
The Glassels are expected to seek damages in excess of $500,000.


Anonymous said...

Jon, This Barbara, your sister-inlaw. I know this was written by you! However, I beleive that Bonnnie is just as at fault as you are. Always trying to sue people to get money for yourselves when all the wrong doing ans maliscious slander comes from two very paranoid people. I was the one who told Mom that you probably stalked Ms. Dreckman. And unfortunately it is nothing but idle gossip and was not maliscious. Gossip is HEARSAY Jon and therfore can not be proven in Court for any punitive damages. There is no damages if there was no intent to harm. ANd what harm are you saying you had? You need to remember that you have "written" slanderous and malicious things about many people in Chisago County and in St. Croix and All of Wisconsin. ANd that van be held up in court as it is in writing. I was only telling the truth how you and Bonnie talk about other people and try to sue them for for stuff they have not done. Both of you need to know that if you move forward with this lawsiiut against her, I will personnally come up and testify against you and Bonnie in court and you do not want me to air all of your dirtyu laundry to the whole of Wisconsin and Minnesota. This has gone on long enough. I have had to listen to Mom and Dad complain about the embarrassment and craziness of both of you. You boht have done so much harm to people including Mom and Dad that I will not sit here any longer and let them handle it. Jon and BOnnie, drop this lawsuit now, and leavbe Mom and Dad slone to live out their retirement in peace. Also, Jon you need to quit trying to be a BIG philanthropist by giving money to the food shelf and family patheways when you won't even take care of your family. You need to pay your rent at home. Quit lettting my parents pay for you to live so you can run around and harrass everyone and to take care fo your home responsibilities. You both need to cease with trying to get rich quick with frivilous lawsuits. My last word on this is if not stopped I will personnally sue you both for Elder abuse of Mom and Dad, Have you both committed to an institution for help. I know you ar Bi-Polar Jon and Bonnie has now started stealling drugs from hospitals and has been caught. She is running out of Hospitals to go to. Also, maybe th IRS would like to know where you are residing!!!!! I know yyou ran from Texas as fast as you can. Jon, I have read every one of this blogs of yours and they are clearly ramblings of a very sick person. Buy the way, since the newsletters you put in the Swedish and the rest of the town was for the public. I picked them all up and used them as kindling as we were out of fire wood to burn. Oh, nby the way you can't sue me for slander as I know the whole truth about both of you !!!!!!!!! And i emphasize truth!!!! Not slander. So I want you to call MS. Dreckman and publicly apologize to everyone including my parents and the whole Chisago county for harrassment and riduculous lawsuits.
Jon, I always thought that you were smarter thatn this but, you really have disappointed me!!


Jonathan P. Glassel said...

Hi Barb,

Did you make up the story that I was stalking Dreckman?

Did you fabricate the part about the pornographic Emails?

Did you state that the other ladies in the Commissioners race, Walker and Korby were afraid that I would stalk them as well?

You and your Dad's cronies, Schultz Robinson and Gustafson try hard very to censor free press. You and your Dad are true Americans.

Sometimes I wonder why your Dad fought WWII, so that you can censor free speech. I'm right proud of your upbringing.

I am glad you burned my papers for kindling wood in mid August. Did you get permission from Mike, the owner of Swedish Inn before you removed them. Seems to me, Mike could have trashed them as soon as I dropped them off. That would have been his right of free speech.

Yet, you in your infinite wisdom, knowing more than the common mortal, saw fit to remove free press and speech from others.

Sig Heil, Heir Barb!

It has been some years since your husband has threatened to kill me and even longer since you turned your sister, Bonnie, my wife into child protective services for supposed abuse of our children, yet may kids were always afraid to go to your house. I wonder why.

Bring forth the dirty linen, my dear.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of censorship and free press which you so strongly embrace and encourage all to exercise, how come I have now wrote 5 comments about the asinine claims that you have made against people but you have yet to actually allow them to be posted. You are possibly the most hypocritical person on the face of the earth! In fact, I believe that the phrase "do as I say, not as I do" was actually formulated just to describe your actions in your campaign of dirty deeds and your life in general. Congratulations! In fact, I invite you to look up the words criminal and hypocrite in the dictionary. I would be willing to bet that you will see a picture of yourself, Mr. Jonathan Glassel. I look forward to your future ignorant claims against anyone and everyone who has the common sense to realize how big of a paranoid idiot you are!

Jonathan P. Glassel said...

As a General Policy, I do not allow comments from people too cowardly to reveal their identities, however you have posted 5 cowardly comments, so as a confirmed coward, I will publish this one as a reward to you.

It is important that readers understand the inane comments which you offer. So, your name is required after this post.

Get a life or Get a Backbone.

Anonymous said...

Well Jon, AS I see you have been delusional again. I never made any of the claims up! I don't even know these people you are stalking. And as usual nobody is trying to kill anyone but you! I was not the one who turned Bonnie in to Child Protective Services. It was Becky ! You need to get you stories straight. HAHAHA! AS usual the laugh is on you. No one is censoring free speech but you as you are the only one who does not print the " free opinions of other people" Jon, I am not a nazi and I now can sue you for slander as you printed it! Jon, Bonnie is the one who threatens as do you. You both are very sick and need help. What is the real reason why the Chisago County people need to have to deal with your idiot ramblings and you don't even live there. What have they done you? Oh, may be it has to do them stopping you from constantly breaking the law. Picking up trash without a license. How many times have you been in jail Jon? By the way again it was not my husband that threatened to kill you it was Becky's exhusband Jeff!!! Again the laugh is on you. Your children were afraid to come yto my house, 30 years ago, because I would actually spank and descipline then when they misbehaved. I did not reward then with toys and money like you and Bonnie did!! Jon do your children even talk to you now. I know for a fact that they are embarrassed and one only call you by your names not Mom and Dad! How sorry is that. BE very careful when you take on my father. I will not tolerate any language or behavior towards him. You are such a big man taking on an 82 year old man.
Again, I have never made up any stories about you . I have only told the truth as I have seen it. I do not even know those people that you were trying to run against. No one needs to make any thing up as your blogs say how really sick you are. You neeed the law abiding people of Chisago County alone!! You are not a resident and do not ahve a say so in any of the politics. No one but you were the reason for you losing the election!! Not Dad, not his cronies. It was you and your hypocritical and slandreing remarks. Let alone the truly insane letter that you sent peopl.
Leave my parents alone!! Sonce you so aptly put Bonnie, your wife! Then you need to starttaking care of her as your WIFE. Pay your rent, so you aren't evicted. Mom and Dad aren't going to keep paying anymore. Also, buy food! I know that Bonnie has to get welfare to help her and food stamps because you aren't enough of a man to support her!!! You want to beg off of her but nor even support her. You used to be a hard working man and a good husband. What went wrong? Please leave everyone alone. Get help and take care of your responsibilities. No one is out to get you. !! Since you have lost this election why don't you go get a job, shut down the website and move on.

Jonathan P. Glassel said...

It is time to stop blaming the victims of your malicios slander and take resposibility for your actions.

Did you make up this stalking and email story?

Who did you hear it from?

Why did you set out to slander Bonnie and I?

Is Dreckman involved? Is Commissioner Schultz involved?

You have embarrassed John and Erma with your viciuos lies. Perhaps it is time for you to apologize to all the lives you have affected with your malicious lies.

As I recall, you were the one that stole drugs from the hospitals where your worked for your husband, demoral, phenergin etc for his hangovers.

Is that why you are no longer working as a nurse.

Should we embark upon airing dirty laundry and share said laundry with all of Chisago County?

Write a detailed account of your involvement in spreading these malicious accusations against Bonnie and I.

You embarked upon a campaign to destroy our credibility, clear the air by telling the truth for once in your life.

Anonymous said...

Jon, I never stole any drugs! I had presciptions for every medicine that I have ever receievd. Bonnie was the one who was caught with the demerol!! That is why she is kicked out of all the hosptials. I choose not work as a nurse in a hospital however, I am still a nurse. You need to quit trying to dig up things to save your own skin. Bonnie and You are very ill! I do not need to use aliases to get admission to differnet hopsitals and place my name under a picture of Richard Dreyfus.Did you get premission to use his picture to depict yourself? And Bonnie using Penelope Dreyfus as an alias. Remember that you have this one the web and any one can find it. Is this slander. Nope sorry! Google yourself and read all about it. And your sons book also on With Alissa picture. Bonnie haow does someone get pus in your kidney and have 104 degree temperature and have to drive 1 hour and half to go to a hospital in MInnesota when one is right down the street. Lao , how did you get so fast. If you were really all that ill you would still be there. I spoke to a Nephrologist and he stated that no one with that diagnosis would be hospitalized for 2 weeks at least. You got your fix and went home Bonnie. Jon, go get help. I did not make up any stories and no one si out to get you. I do not know any of these people . You must be making all of this up yourself. I have read all of your blogs. No one is involved in slandering you but yourelf. Leave all of us alone. This is the last I have to say to a lunatic. Get help Satan has your soul! The other blogger is very right. WE are not the only ones out there that kno whaow you are.

Jonathan P. Glassel said...

Look Barb,

You already said you confirmed the story, now you deny being a part of it.

You have never been a good liar Barb. To be a good liar, you must remember which lie you told to which person and you have never been that smart.

Your Dad told me, you told him, the story came directly from Dreckman. Your Dad accused me of sending pornographic emails to Kristy because of your lies.

Now, you and I have never been that close, nothing more than acquaintances in reality.

We mean nothing to each other, so why do you take such pleasure in defaming me? Some perceived sin in a past life? I have never defamed you, bad mouthed you. I never had reason to, because you never meant anything to me so I never cared what you did.

I am working to establish and alternate news source for the County, yet you and Becky conspire to defame Bonnie and I, to try to lower our standing in the community and prevent my success.

You live in Texas, Becky lives in Brainerd, what do you care what happens in Chisago?

If any further emabarassment is laid upon your parents, it will be by your hand. It is time to come clean.

I guess you learned the art of badmouthing from your dad. Over the past 35 years, he has badmouthed most everyone in the community, Armstrongs, Karin's black husband, though I recall different verbage, Kunlys, Schultes, Eictens, Shabers, Ganleys and most others that have ever graced Franconia.

I guess bad mouthing is just a Broecker trait.

Confession is good for the soul. It is time for you and Becky to come clean.

I wonder what Jesus would say about your rumor mongering?

Come clean Barb. make it easy on yourself because I will get the truth from you and Becky one way or the other. Spare the agony you will cause your parents and tell the truth for once in your life.

Brock said...

Hey Junky, Juvenile Jonny, how is it going? Since you are always one for "clearing your name" and "coming clean", I was just wondering if you could do that for all of your faithful blog and Epitaph readers. Many statements have been made and questions asked regarding you. However instead of answering the questions, you seem to turn the questions around and forget to give an answer. Therefore, I propose that you humor us with some answers. First off, how many times have you been arrested? I am sure that your answer will be none because, lets face it, you are a good, lawful individual. Secondly, have you or have you not written slanderous and malicious comments about individuals that may have or have not committed the actions that you imply? Third, do you live in Wisconsin? Why may I ask would you try to represent Chisago County if you are not even a resident of it? Don't you think the fine residents of Wisconsin could use you for your political leadership? Lastly for now, since I doubt that you will allow this to be posted, have you actually threatened to kill people? Jon, you do realize that making comments like that probably are not a great policy you see since that could be taken as a terroristic threat, which are illegal? As you stated to Anonymous, "get a life or get a backbone." I believe it is time that you digest your own words, get a backbone, and answer the questions that YOU have been asked!

Jonathan P. Glassel said...

Brock, true identities are required, not fictious names.

People with spines do not hide behind false names.

I have never denied living in Wisconsin or being arrested.

As you know, I spent two days in Chisago County Jail in 2007.

However, due to Court Order I am not allowed to write about the experience.

As far as being called a junky, coming from a meth addict and dealer as yourself does not bother me.

Somewhere on this Blog, I have written a story titled "Meth Sucks."

Feel free to reprint the article and pass it out to your customers, the kids you infect with your hideous disease.

I have accomodated your request to be published this one time. Next time, have the guts to use your real name.


Jonathan P. Glassel said...


I do not recall ever threatening to kill anyone. Perhaps you can provide details for the readers, using your real name.


Anonymous said...

Jon, Dad has severe hearing loss and anything he states that he supposedly heard can not be taken seriously, as he may have misinterpreted what I said. All that Becky and I have discussed is concern for a family memeber that has written ( sexual books, lies in his Blog about people in a county that he doesn't reside in and is known to have a mental condition that has gone untreated. We have not spoken to or even heard anything from Ms Dreckman regarding you. I do not heven know this woman and cannot tell you what see looks like. All of this has been kept within the confines of our family. IT is not rumor mongerling or lies. Again family discussions regarding the health and wellbeing of another family member is the concern of any family and we need to be cognizant of what actions we need tot take to assist in getting you and my sister the help you both desparately need. Please, go see a doctor and get your medicine that I know has been prescibed for you to get filled so you can be a nice man again.

Brock said...

Are you the name police? Were you trying to find out information to stalk me John? Good luck finding information since I am unlisted!

Sincerely yours,
Your friend BROCK

Jonathan P. Glassel said...

OK, Barb, let me get this straight. All of your vicious lies about Bonnie and I were to help us.

Did they teach that in nursing school? Get together with relatives and bad mouth, spread rumors and lie about a person as a means of therapy?

Get real Barb. Try telling the truth for once in your vain, vindictive life.

Your father accused me of sending pornographic emails to Kristy Dreckman. Your Dad heard that very clearly from you. It is not the type of gossip your dad would make up.

Of coarse, your father can be easily deceived as with the time your sister Becky convinced him your husband, Nick Rivera was sexually molesting your daugthers Natalie and Nichole.

When your Dad told me about it, I said, "Nick is an asshole, but I would need a lot more proof from sources other than Becky before I would believe a story like that." Bonnie told your Mom, basically the same thing and the bullshit from Becky stopped, the rumor died.

Now, from your way of doing things, I would have told your dad, "I saw Nick reading Playboy once, I bet he is a pervert and probably is molesting his daugthers.

This thing is going to get real ugly. Tell me where your Mom and Dad heard this bullshit about me and Dreckman. You don't have a lot of time, Speak, Barb, Speak

Jonathan P. Glassel said...

Brock, whoever you are. You have accused me of threatening to kill people, yet you are unwilling to reveal who those people are for fear that I will stalk you.

Get a Life Brock, find a spine, get some testicles and stay out of a family conversation.

Anonymous said...

I am reading this article second time today, you have to be more careful with content leakers. If I will fount it again I will send you a link

Anonymous said...

It is useful to try everything in practise anyway and I like that here it's always possible to find something new. :)