Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Glassel Thanks Supporters

Glassel Thanks Supporters
Considers Write in Campaign
As expected, incumbent Bob Gustafson will be on the November ballot seeking another term as District Three County Commissioner.
Gustafson will be challenged by big city politician George McMahon. In 2004, Gustafson was earned second seed at the Primary yet delivered a convincing win over Curt Flug in the General Election.
A write in candidacy is always a long shot, especially when facing a well funded candidate like McMahon.
The bigger question is this, "Is McMahon any better than Gustafson? Or is he just another good old boy politican seeking political office for his own benefit and the benefit of his cronies?"
McMahon and Company delivered an impressive primary win, garnering some 600 votes, but can he beat Gustafson in the fall when 6,000 votes could be cast in the Presidential Election?
A write in campaign could send the lesser of two evils into power or return Gustafson for another four years of taxing and spending.


Anonymous said...

Comment moderation? What happened to free speech, you hypocrite?

You forgot to mention you only got 77 votes, mutt. Dead last! Faith is restored in the intelligence of Chisago County voters.

The good news for you is now you can devote yourself full time to your masturbatory smearing of people voters do see fit to let lead.

It is my sincerest hope that someday your perverted rantings come back on you 10-fold. You hoped only to cause pain and all you ever were - even to the people whose name you dragged through the mud for fun - was a laughingstock.

Seek help Jon. You are a sick man.

Good riddance to bad rubbish. (See, that's a know...because you are a garbage man.)

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Glassel,
I have several problems with your campaigning methods. First of all, most of your material is in nature propaganda at best, just plain mean at worst. It was published in order to scare the residents of Chisago County into voting for you. By the way, how did that work out for you?

Second, I don't believe you really understand the gravity of the things you are saying. I don't care how much you disagree with someone about an issue; that is perfectly fine. However, when you go beyond the issue and start attacking someone's character, something nearly impossible for that person to change, I have a huge problem. You simply can't hate someone for having an opinion that is different than yours.

Third, I would just like to ask you whether or not you actually had a plan for our county. It seems to me that you just attacked the other candidates whose opinions differed from your own. I was just wondering if you really had a plan for the future of Chisago County.

Also, you might try a word processor with spell check. I noticed many spelling errors in your last publication, and I just want to be sure you are fully aware that the public does judge you based on your linguistic and grammatical skills. Maybe that's why you only got 77 votes.