Saturday, August 16, 2008

Glassel, Gustafson

Glassel, Gustafson
Likely To Win September Primary,
Carpet Baggers, Land Grabbers, Big City Politicians Not Expected to Advance

As the story goes, Curt Flug, during his 2004 bid to unseat Bob Gustafson as County Commissioner inquired of the “Old Timers” hanging around Poik’s Barber Shop in Lindstrom about his chances of winning the election.

One of the “Old Timers” reportedly replied, “With a name like Flug, you couldn’t get elected dogcatcher in this county. If you changed your name to Flugson or Flugberg, you just might get yourself elected dogcatcher.”

In reality, it is not the lack of a Scandinavian surname that defeated Flug. We regularly elect people with such odd names as Montzka, Reiter, Rueter, Greene and Walker to public office.

In 2004, Flug won the Primary with about 400 votes to Gustafson’s 350, yet Flug got clobbered in the General Election, losing to a scandal plagued Bob Gustafson by 1,000 votes when 5,000 votes were cast.

Flug did Ok in some areas, however, when it came down to the “nut cutting” the locals held their collective noses and re-elected Gustafson, the candidate with local roots.

Glassel and Gustafson were raised and attended school locally. Flug and the other candidates are relative newcomers to the area, and without local roots, or a concept of what it means to be local, will have difficulty selling themselves to the vast majority of residents within the district, whether those residents live in town or in the township.

98% of the people who have moved to Chisago County did so to escape the inbred bureaucracy of big city life. They adopt, and are adopted by the local residents, quickly becoming one of “us.” The remaining 2% are intent upon bringing the inbred bureaucracy of the big city to us local “hicks” and become one of “them.”

While Glassel is clearly one of “us,” Gustafson was a “no show” when Lindstrom businesses needed protection from “them,” i.e. Flug and Company. Gustafson is a savvy career politician, wants to keep his job and is not about to enrage the “whining minority” that controls City Hall by taking a stand for “us”.

We have good quality of life in Chisago County. While our villages and countryside are beautiful and picturesque, it is the tough, resilient and independent nature of our residents that gives our community its “rural flair.”

This fact is totally lost on Flug and the others who seek to saddle “us” with more inbred, big city bureaucracy.

Unfortunately, it is our rural nature that keeps “us” out of politics and allows “them” to gain power. 98% of us live in Chisago County because we mind our own business and don’t like being told what to do.

Consequently we abhor the thought of “sticking our nose where it don’t belong” by telling others what to do or what not to do. So, we stay out of politics, leaving ourselves vulnerable to the Carpet Baggers, Land Grabbers and Big City Politicians.

Not so long ago, a Carpet Bagger came from the West. Coveting his neighbor’s property and tax base, the Land Grabber “sucked up” to the local purveyors of inbred bureaucracy and became Mayor of Chisago City.

The unsuspecting residents of Wyoming Township had built a quiet, peaceful and profitable community without help from the inbred elite. Taxes were low, services were good and all was well.

Chris DuBose brought strange new words to us country “hicks.” Hostile and Annexation. While annexation was nothing new, to force one’s will upon another was, for lack of a better word, hostile and did not sit well with a majority of the locals.

Most of us living in Chisago County, whether living in town or township, consider ourselves “Country.” We “tote our own water.” Excepting when a neighbor needs help, we stick to ourselves and stay out of politics.
DuBose knew this and used our “rural flair” against us. With chicanery, lawyers and the courts, most of Wyoming Township was annexed to Chisago without a vote by the people affected.

After annexing an area larger than itself, over the objections of both city and township residents, DuBose wisely chose not to seek reelection as Mayor. After a two year hiatus from elected office, DuBose now seeks to abuse power while representing us “country hicks” at the county level.

Pilgrim, that dog ain’t gonna hunt in these here parts!

During the past 18 years, Gustafson has built his power base by handing out millions of your tax dollars to few select governmental and quasi governmental agencies.

If God, Himself was running for County Commissioner in District Three, “Boondoggle” Bob Gustafson would still get 300 votes at the primary.

The 2%, the inbred elitists may be able to coerce 600 people to vote for Flug, DuBose, McMahon or Stignani leaving Glassel to find just 300 new voters.

Flug, DuBose, McMahon or Stignani cannot defeat Gustafson in November, leaving “us” to endure four more years of the stench of “Good Ole Boy” Politics.

You Can do something about it, vote for Glassel at the Primary on September 9th.

Glassel Stands For Chisago County, Glassel Stands for You!
Will You Stand With Glassel on September 9th?

Just 300 Votes Will Return Chisago County to You!
Together, we will build a better county
for our children and our children’s children.

I’m Jonathan P. Glassel, and I approved this message. Actually, as most of you know, I wrote it, too.

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